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【ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ғᴏʀɢᴇᴛ】


Amane was in deep thought. He didn't even noticed that the school bell, already rang. He had been thinking about (Y/n) a lot lately.

He known the spirit girl for almost five years now. She was his first friend. He didn't even have friends at Kamome Academy.

He barely talk to anyone. People views him as a depressed loner who has the passion and love for astronomy. Different from his younger brother who was the social twin who was loved by everyone.

But (Y/n) was the only one he shows his true self.

"Yugi." Amane look up to see his sensei, Tsuchigomori staring boredly at him as he smoke his pipe. The older man gestured towards the clock above the blackboard. "Shouldn't you be heading towards your next class?"

"Oh, right!" Amane stood up and started packing his things. He looked around to see the classroom empty, with only two people being him and his sensei. "Everyone already left...."

"You should be focusing more on your studies, Yugi." Tsuchigomori told him as the boy slung his bag on his shoulder. "Your grades are extremely low, you won't pass at this rate."

"I know...sensei..." Amane sighed. "I'll try to study harder...."


"Amane, why aren't ya eating?" Amane look up from his plate to see Tsukasa staring at him, with curiosity. But the younger twin was right, he did not even ate a single rice on his bowl. The twins were currently eating their dinner that Amane cooked at the kitchen counter. It doesn't look like it but Amane can cook decently. But all he knows how to make were rice recipes.

But lately, Amane was feeling more down than usual. His family was slowly drifting apart. His father rarely comes home due to his work while his mother became a bit alcoholic. She became a bit violent too. He mostly gets all the beating, since he tend to tell Tsukasa to lock himself into their shared bedroom as he let himself slave away for his brother to avoid their mother's wraith.

He was enduring it all in silence. Wanting Summer to come so he and his brother could go to their uncle's home. His happy place.

Mostly he couldn't wait to see (Y/n) again. She was his main source of happiness from his sorrowful life. Just imagining her smiling face, makes his day better.

"I'm not really that hungry, Tsukasa..." Amane said, smiling slightly at his worried brother.

"AMANE!" A booming screech echoed through the living room. Both twins flinched at this.

"I guess it's time to face her, again." Amane sighed and stood up. "Tsukasa, eat dinner in our room."

Tsukasa nodded and made a run towards their shared room.

Amane gulped and walked towards the living room, where his mother was waiting.

Looks like it's another night of beating.


It was finally winter. Amane was walking to school with his brother. Both wearing extremely thick clothings. They could literary see their breaths turning into smoke due to the cold air.

"Amane...." Tsukasa called out his brother. But Amane was again lost in his own thoughts so he called out again. "A-MA-NE!"

The older twin finally snapped out of his daze. He then turned to see his brother staring at him, weirdly.

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