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Seeing her do this job is mesmerizing. She's so passionate and focused. What is wrong with me?

I want to be friends with her. She seems... nice.

I have to break away from the team to shake hands with the detectives and officers. I introduce them to the team and get ready to work.

Gideon and Hotch are keeping a stern close eye on her with every move she makes. They're really skeptical. I can sort of understand it too, but she seems fine. Prentiss seems like she wants this job at the BAU more than anything and that she wouldn't do anything to lose it.

We work the case endlessly, trying to figure out why the hell two serial killers would compete in the same city. Doesn't really make sense to me, one could move away and kill other people in another town. Not that I would rather that, and no that I would condone it. What these people do is horrible, but I think you get what I mean.

Ya know what else I like about this girl so far? The fact that she really hasn't judged Spence for all the random shit he says. He's my best friend and I love hearing his insights even if I really don't get what he's going on about.

After what seems like forever, we finally make and arrest, well I say we but I didn't touch that filthy murderer. It's also finally time to get in the jet and go home.

These past few days have been exhausting. Well I suppose every day we go out and analyze the evil minds of mankind is exhausting, and I don't even have to do all that all the time.

I sit beside Spencer across from Morgan. Emily sits alone this ride back home. Maybe she feels uncomfortable now with everyone breathing down her neck.

Spencer falls asleep quickly his head laying on my head rest instead of his own. Morgan follows shortly, but it takes me a while to doze off. I catch Emily's eye from a few rows down on the other isle. She averts her gaze quickly, leaning her head against the window.

I eventually fall into a light sleep just half an hour before we touch down, how convenient huh. We all do our paperwork for a while, until Hotch says we should go home and rest.

"We can finish in the morning."

"Goodnight, guys." I say before shutting my office door and heading out of the bullpen. I head to Emily before she reaches the elevator. "Welcome to the BAU, by the way."

She smiles before the door closes and says a soft "Thank you."

"Hey JJ, wait up!" Spencer Reid does his awkward jog over to me while throwing his satchel around his shoulder. "Can you give me a ride home?"

"Sure thing," I say as we hop in the elevator. We don't live too far away from each other. Actually, if I just take a different street, his place is on the way to mine.

"Thank you, JJ."

"See you tomorrow, Spencer," I say with a soft smile and begin to head home.

I don't eat dinner, just run the shower and turn the temperature to almost steaming hot. I strip out of my work clothes and step onto the shower, letting the water pour down on me. I don't even move for at least a half hour. Then, I finally shower and get out to put on pajamas. I climb under the covers and try to sleep again.

593 words. heyyy bitches. i'm so sorry i suck😫 love y'all tho

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