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*WARNING: Mature content ahead, proceed at own risk*
[Contains: Exophilia, Size Difference, Oral Sex, Biting, Marking, Begging, Teasing, Praise Kink, Vaginal Sex, Blood, Cum, D/S]

  Watching my sister dance with the king not only made my blood boil but also made me want to rampage through the ball. Seeing the two of them together made me realize why the king looked familiar when I'd seen him in the dungeon.

  He was the guy in the turban that kept showing up to see Nina. He was the reason for the war currently waging, and not only that, but had imprisoned Nina and given the order to torture not only me, but Azazel as well. He was the reason for our pain, and yet....my sister was looking at him with such affection in her eyes.

  They were dancing in circles, smiling at each other as the crowd watched the spectacle before them. I didn't usually have such violent tendencies, but I genuinely wanted to crush the king. Maybe even try to smack some sense into Nina while I was at it because she didn't even seem to care that this man was the reason I came home starving and bleeding.

  I even felt betrayed by the way Nina's eyes seemed to glitter as she danced. She should be angry, she should be hateful, but instead, she just looked so....in love.


  Red smoke rose from a balcony, and a bright flare flashed across the sky. The plan had failed, which at this point, I wasn't too shocked by after seeing how Nina was with the king.

  I roared while shifting and flew through the air to round the castle. Swooping over the balcony, I grabbed Favaro and Nina, picking them up as guards were surrounding them. I wanted to eat Charioce while I was at it, but the two in my hands were the priority.

  Dust kicked up from my wings as I neared the ground miles away from the castle. Boats tied to the docks rocked on the waves, and I shifted after setting Favaro and my sister down. Without saying a single word, I walked right up to Nina without even trying to mask my anger.

  Her head jerked to the side, her cheek quickly gaining a red handprint from me smacking her. They both looked at me with shock, and Nina cupped her cheek while seeming to be at a loss for words.

  "You knew." I growled. "You knew he was the king. You knew what he did to me. To us! And you said nothing." My rage made me not even care that I was naked while baring my teeth at my sister. "He put you in prison and tortured me! I was starved, whipped, cut, burned, and you were still sneaking off to go be with him?! I cried worrying about what was happening to you, but I guess I shouldn't have." I snarled.

  "Lila, wait-"

  "Don't fucking touch me."

  "Lila, come on. She's just a kid-" Favaro tried to step in but flinched when my angry gaze landed on him.

  "No, she's not!" My body was shaking and I balled my hands into fists. "Her boyfriend nearly fucking killed me, but I guess it's all fine just because she loves him, huh?" Nina was silently crying, and I honestly didn't care at that point. I wanted her to hurt, to realize what she'd done. "You can walk the rest of the way back."

  Turning on my heel, I then walked away and snatched a tarp from over some crates to cover myself with. I wrapped it around me like a cloak and pulled it over my head before I went under a street lamp.


  I could hear the others arriving, but I didn't bother to get up and greet them. I was hurt and only wanted to sit alone in the dark. Hugging myself, I tried to make sense of everything I'd learned tonight.

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