The Exhibition

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"Dylan! DYLAN!" Karmin chased me down the hall. "Wait up!"

I slowed to a stop and waited for her to catch up.

"What are you gonna be doing for your exhibition?" she asked.

"Um, I hadn't thought about that. I guess I'll just use my bow?" I couldn'y believe I had forgotten about that!

"You didn't tell me you knew how!"

"Was I supposed to?"

"Yes" Karmin replied matter-of-factly.

"Well, what are you doing?"

"It's a secret."

"Tell me!" I begged.

"Not until after they score me! But yours better be almost as good as mine because they get pretty bored when the get past district nine. I'm district eleven so... yay." She said sarcastically.

"Just do something special!" I said encouragingly.

"Who's giving the advice here?" Karmin put a hand on her hip.

I laughed and continued on my way to the waiting room for the exhibitions.

I sat down next to Karmin on a cold metal bench. We waited with apprehension as each of the tributes were sent in one by one to be scrutinized by the ever shrinking attention span of the Capitol judges.

Finally, it was my turn. Matt sauntered out of the room and signaled for me to enter. When I stepped in, only one judge was paying attention, and even she was only half- hearted.

My heart beat faster as I realized I had nothing to do. I could use my bow, but I wasn't anything special. I guessed I could try the knives. I picked up a few daggers, weighing them each in my hand. I picked one to throw and lined myself up with the target.

Hoping my first throw wasn't just beginner's luck, I threw the knife as hard as I could.

It whistled past the target, and I winced as it hit the wall.

The judges laughed and continued to chat loudly. My temper flared, but I pushed the anger back down and grabbed another knife.

I knew I didn't have a good chance at hitting the target again, so I looked around for something else to hit.

My eyes roamed over to where the Capitol had added a massive stained-glass window for "dramatic affect", as they put it.

I took one look at the knife, judging the weight, distance, and strength I needed. I drew my arm back, high over my head, then threw the knife as hard as I could.

The glass of the window shattered into a million glittering shards, falling through the air with a crash.

A woman in the glass box screamed, falling back off of her chair. A servant from the back of the room rushed to help her, while the other judges ran around in panic.

"You're gonna need some help repairing that," I said wryly, and walked out of the room.


How was that? Ya, i kinda liked it ^.^


xx Amanda

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