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the next morning you wake up and jaden's arms are around you. you sit up and run your fingers through his hair.

y/n | good morning jay.

his eyes flutter open,

y/n | it's our last day if vidcon man.

J | ugh.

y/n | you get to see mads today.

he smiles.

J | yeah.

you get ready and take a photo with jaden

you get ready and take a photo with jaden

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and you're on jaden's back. you post it with the caption "last day😜" you do your makeup and change into this.

 you post it with the caption "last day😜" you do your makeup and change into this

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you all head over to greet mads and payton. when payton comes out he's in sweats and a button down. you give him a hug.

y/n | good morning!

P | good morning. morning y'all.

J | morning.

you all are walking around and getting photos and making tik toks.

girl 1 | what was it like in the recovery home.

jaden heard her ask the question.

⚠️TRIGGER WARNING: EATING DISORDERS AND SELF HARM⚠️ (only for a few paragraphs wait until you see a line of this emoji🦋)

J | please don't ask her things like that. she's not comfortable sharing things like that yet.

girl 1 | i'm sorry. i just- my mom want to send me to one. i have bulimia. you have been such an inspiration and helped me through so much. i just- it not getting better.

y/n | you'll get there, i promise.

you grab her hands in yours. you see the cuts down her arms. you kiss her hands.

y/n | take care of yourself.

she's tearing up a bit. you wrap your arms around her.

y/n | don't cry. it's okay. everything gets better baby. it might take a lot, a lot, a lot. of time but you will get through it. i can't wait for the day where you can say "wow, look how precious life is"

you let go and she nods.

y/n | just a secret between you and i. today was that day for me.

you kiss her forehead.

y/n | keep your head up.


you sign the back of her sweatshirt and keep say goodbye. you have 2 panels. you get out of one and are walking with payton. you hear your names called from behind you.

??? | y/n!

you look over and a boy with fluffy hair and the cutest smile walks over to you. he looks about your age.

??? | y/n! whats up?

y/n | hey!

??? | how have you been?

y/n | hold on, i'm sorry, do i know you?

??? | i'm Lewis, you met me on a flight a few months back.

y/n | i'm sorry, i don't remember that. i meet a lot of people at the airport.

Lewis | you were talking to me about payton. then you thanked me and left the plane. you didn't come back. all i remember is you telling me your username.

at that moment you remembered. you met him on your flight you were going to take to Canada to see Jaden and Josh.

y/n | oh Lewis!

you give him a hug.

Lewis | there you go.

you let go.

y/n | what's up? oh my gosh.

Lewis | nothing too serious, i've been posting singing videos and have gained a few followers.

y/n | what's your username.

you pull out your phone. he shows you his account he has 772k. you make a dancing tik tok and post it on his.

Lewis | i'll see you around y/n.

y/n | i'll see you lewis. actually, i'll add you on snap tonight,okay.

he smiles.

Lewis | okay.

he walks off.

P | who was he?

y/n | i talked to him on a flight i never took to canada.

P | oh? uhh anyways.

you laugh. jaden and mads come around the corner.

y/n | heyy!!

J | what's up!

M | hey guys! we were headed over to twitter to get some instagram photos if you all want to come.

J | vani and anthony are down there.

y/n | say less.

you grab payton's hand while you walk down there. you were completely aware hundreds of people could see you but. you didn't care.

*payton's pov*

when we were walking with jaden and mads. y/n grabbed my hand!! can you believe that. she trusts me like that!! omg i need to stop over exaggerating this. but like... awe. she knew people could see us too. what a tease!! ahh she's my favorite. i just want to squeeze her. she's adorable.

*back to your pov*

you arrive at snap.


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