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they all go crazy. screaming and yelling. you look around and it's like time slows. everyone is smiling and jumping around. you throw on a smile for your fans but inside your heart is falling apart. flashbacks from loving payton roll through your head. it crushes your heart. jaeden wraps his arms around you and spins you around. he whispers in your ear.

Ja | you are strong.

then a genuine smile grows on your face. you enjoy this time. the fans roll out. trent takes you to dinner with your fans and it goes great. you get back on the bus. tomorrow is a day for goodbyes. you lean on jaedens shoulder and fall asleep. chase lays his head in your lap and josh is passed out against the window. you wake up at an iHop. you go inside and have a breakfast all together.

T | i just wanted to thank you guys for going on this journey. it was an amazing experience and seemed to just get better and better.

S | it made me stronger.

everyone agrees.

y/n | i wouldn't be sitting here without the help of every single one of you especially payton.

payton look up at you. you make deep eyes contact.

y/n | thank you payton. you will always have a special place in my heart.

he smiles at you. you have funny conversations and it just reminds you how much you are actually going to miss these people they grew you into the person you are and made you stronger. soon you are all getting your stuff off the tour bus at the airport. you hug everyone goodbye. tears roll down their faces. you tell everyone to stay strong. you really don't know how it will go when you get home. you just spend 2 months together and got closer than ever. you made a goodbye tik tok with everyone in it. trent got you all to sit by the bus for a group photo.

T | everyone say "lights out"!!!

all | LIGHTS OUT!!

you say your final goodbyes as you part ways with the group. you give one final hug to jaeden. he kisses your head.

Ja | don't stop coming to me just because we aren't with each other.

y/n | i won't. your my best friend.

Ja | okay i'll see you stupid.

y/n | bye jay jay.

he smiles and waves. you fly home with payton. you both fell asleep on the plane. he lays his head on your shoulder. when you get off the plane you have countless notifications. but one of them is in the Lights Out groupchat,

Lights Out💡

McManager-Trent Kelly⚡️
guess who i just got a DM from.

Kevin Perry☃️

Jay Jay🤍✨

McManager-Trent Kelly⚡️
Vidcon. they want you all there. click this
link and confirm you are going. they will email
you the panels and events you will be in.

Jay Jay🤍✨

you show payton the texts and you celebrate. payton drives you home. you knock on your front door. there is no answer. you ring the bell. you see the doorknob spin. then you see your mom. you jump into her arms.

mom | oh baby! i missed you so much.

y/n | i missed you more momma.

mom | how'd it go?

y/n | amazing. other than the break up.

mom | omg right. how are you?

y/n | i could be better. it got me closer with the other boys.

mom | that's amazing.

you had lunch with your mom. you talked with her about tour. then you hear a knock at your front door.

y/n | i got it.

you open the door and you see faith standing there.

F | what's up bestie.

y/n | OMG FAITH!

you give her the biggest hug.

F | hey y/n. i missed you so much.

the dream team is back. hehe dream team... mcyt joke, but hello hello i'm editing right now :D

you have so much to catch up on!

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