Chapter Fourteen

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Lily's P.O.V

"This is the last day until the holiday break!" shrieked Alice as her, Juliet, James, Sirius and I walked to Defense Against the Dark Arts. Remus, Peter and Marlene have a free period. What were James and Sirius doing walking with us you ask? Well, since the ball, James seems to think I'm falling head over heels in love with him, so he won't stop following me everywhere I go. And if you'll believe it he's even more obsessed with me than he was before. And Sirius likes Juliet, that much is obvious, so he follows her everywhere as well.

"Better yet, one week until my birthday!" shrieked Juliet in the same tone Alice used

"I'm not looking forward to going home. My whole family hates me and trust me, the feeling's mutual" said Sirius

I looked at Sirius "Yeah, my sister thinks I'm a monster. And her idiot of boyfriend is an absolutely horrendous person. So I feel you"

He held out his fist to me and we fist bumped.

"You can live with me Padfoot, I've been telling you that for years" said James

"I'll consider it" Sirius replied as we entered the classroom

We all took a look at each other as realization dawned on us that we were an odd number and someone would be left to sit by themselves. Sirius sprinted to the front of the room and pulled James down into the seat next to him. Alice, Juliet, and I ran to the next desk and they both sat down before me. That is so not fair. I tilted the end of Juliet's seat causing her to fall off and I sat down before she could get back on.

"Sorry Juliet, I had to" I said laughing

"Cheater. I thought we were friends" she said jokingly before sauntering off to the back, where the only open seat was.

"Alright class, today we will be covering boggarts. Does everyone know what a boggart is? Yes? Well, we will be facing them today and to make sure everybody really does understand what they are, please write a quick summary before we get started. Put your quill down when you've finished, so I know whose done and whose not " the professor said

I wrote three sentences about what I knew and placed my quill down. I looked around to see who else was done and mostly everyone was, except Juliet. She sat at the back with a broken pile of quills next to her and instead she was writing with a pen. I stifled a laugh. I guess Americans aren't accustomed to using feather quills. She finally finished and put her pen down.

"Alright now that everyone is finished, please line up in front of this desk. Is everyone familiar with the incantation riddikulus? Yes? Okay then, Mr. Potter, why don't you start for us?"

"You'll be disappointed professor, I'm not afraid of anything. I'm ready when you are" said James

The professor flicked his wand and the cabinet door opened. The boggart shifted shapes for a few second until it formed into an exact replica of James. The replica started ranting about blood purity. "Dirty mudbloods everywhere! Ew, filthy blood traitors! What're they doing breathing the same air as the almighty, pureblood me?"

James shivered before shouting "Riddikulus!" The replica turned into James doing the muggle dance 'the Macarena'

Next up was Sirius. He stepped in front of the boggart and it instantly shifted into a stag. A dead stag in a pool of blood. His eyes skimmed the crowd until they landed on James. James smiled sadly at him and shrugged weakly.

"Riddikulus!" He said before walking to the back of the line with his shoulders in a slump.

A few more students went and the boggart shifted from a clown, to inferi, to spiders, to a snake, until finally it was my turn. A man with light blue scrubs, a face mask, and pliers appeared in front of me. I recognized him at once as my muggle dentist that my parents made me see annually. If there's anything I hate in this world, it's certainly the dentist.

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