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harry: 7
louis: 9

Louis' pov

,,C'mon Louis we're going to be late for Harry's first day of school!" Jay rushed her 9-year-old son.

,,Why do we have to go to that brat' s first day anyway?" I groaned.

I didn't want to see Harry. Everytime I was around him I felt nauseous and I felt my stomach twirling weirdly. I didn't know what it was and that's what confused me the most.
Maybe it was disgust and hatred?

Yeah that's it.

Sighing I went after my mum and got in the car. Few minutes later we were in front of Styles' home.

As I got in I saw familiar mop of curls peeking from the couch. He was sprawled across of it watching Naruto with a slight smile on his face. He looked adorable.

Wait what am I saying, of course he doesn't!

,,Hey Harry" I greeted him unwillingly.

,,Hi Loueh!" he beamed at me moving so I could sit next to him. (k i'll stop)

I sat hesitantly and he leaned his head on my shoulder which made me stiffen. It wasn't uncomfortable it was rather nice, but it felt weird.

I scooted away and I swear I saw him frown for a second. I felt bad for the poor kid. After all, he considered me his best friend.

,,So first day of school huh? How was it?" I asked attempting to break akward silence and tension.

His face immediately lighten up and I smiled at him. Maybe he was kind of cute.

,,It was great! I made a new friend. His name is Niall and he speaks funny" he giggled.

,,Funny?" I questioned amused.

,,He's from Ireland" I heard Anne's voice from behind me, startling me a little bit.

,,Alright boys dinner's ready go wash your hands"

Getting up I accidentally stepped on Harry's foot and of course that he had to be brat about that.

,,Hey you stepped on my foot!"

,,Well it was in my way"

I rolled my eyes annoyed. Why was he always so dramatic?

,,That's not nice" he pouted.

,,Life's a bitch, get used to it little one"

,,Louis!" my mum exclaimed astonished. Oh boy. ,,Where did you learn that?!"

,,Well you know our neighbor, Mr Murs" she hummed in agreement ,, I heard him talking to himself and he sweared a lot. It was quite funny actually"

,,Louis you don't listen to someone who gets drunk and dances naked in his yard at 2am!"

,,Why not, he seems fun" I shrugged.

,,Go wash your hands and shut that pretty little mouth of yours"

,,Aw you think i'm pretty. Thank you mum" I hugged her and she flicked my forehead.


,,Louis do you think we'll be friends forever" I heard Harry asking. It was dark so I couldn't see his look on the face.

,,No" I said messing with him.

,,Oh. Alright then, I'm sorry" I wasn't sure but I think I heard slight tremble in his voice.

,,Haz" I sighed ,,You know I'm only joking, right"

,,B-but you act like you hate me all the time. I don't want you to hate me Louis, you're my best friend!" he was sobbing now.

I frowned, not wanting him to cry. Did I really hate him though. I sure acted like I did but that wasn't the case.

,,I don't hate you Hazza" I answered truthfully.

,,Then why do you act like you do" he hiccuped.

,,Honestly? I don't even know that myself"

,,Thank you"

,,For what, love?"

,,For not hating me"

,,As if I could ever hate you"


they cute or whatever

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