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harry: 11
louis: 13

Louis' pov

,,Boobear look what I got!" I heard Harry say happily showing off his test.

,,That's awesome Haz" I said kissing my head
,,But don't call me like that".

,,No can do" he smiled cheekily.

,,Alright curly haired monster" I chuckled
,,Mum and Anne are waiting for us in the car."

,,Okay where are we going?"

,,To the lake" I smiled, but it immediately disappeared when I saw his face looking pale.

,,Harry? Are you okay?" I asked carefully.

He nodded his head too fast for my liking. I thought it was weird but I decided to shrug it off and got in a car.


,,Harry c'mon get in here!"

,,Uh I can't" he frowned playing with his fingers.

,,Why?" he was starting to worry me by now.

,,Erm man period?" he tried smiling nervously.

I groaned and went to sit next to him.

,,Harry tell me, what's going on?"

,,Nothing Louis I'm fine, really" he smiled but I could tell that it was forced. I put my hand on his shoulder and he flinched and then coughed trying to cover it.

,,Harry take of your shirt. Now"

He seemed hesitant but did it anyway. I couldn't stop gasp coming out of my mouth. His torso was littered with bruises and cuts who looked recent. Blood was smeared across them and it looked painful. My poor baby.

Who would hurt him and why? He was such a precious angel who wanted nothing more than to be kind and make other people happy. He was like a gift from the sky that we didn't deserve. That's who Harry Styles is.

,,Oh Harry" that's all I could manage to say, fearing that he would hear my voice cracking and see tears pooling in my eyes.

,,Please don't tell mum Louis" he said giving me puppy eyes. He was hurt and all he cared about was us being worried.

,,Why didn't you tell me Haz? You know that I'll always be here right?"

,,I didn't want to be burden Lou. You all have your own problems, you don't need mine on top of it" he said and frowned.

Did he really think that he was a burden?

,,Just tell me who did this" I sighed feeling helpless.

,,Um it was N-Nick but please don't do" he said and it pained me how broken he sounded.

I pulled him in a hug and whispered in his curls ,,I won't don't worry love".

Pft as if. I'll beat that fucker unconscious.


Harry's pov

,,Don't touch him asshole ever again or it will be your last. Do you understand me or do I have to make myself clear hm?" I heard someone screaming as I walked down the hall.

,,Y-yes just please leave me. Why does it bother you anyway he's just a little 11-year-old whimp?"

,,He's my bestfriend and I love him! If I hear you talking about him like that again I will fuck you up!"

I recognize that raspy high-pitched voice. It was Louis. But who was the other person?

As I got closer, sound of punches and whimpers became louder and I was scared. What if he was hurt?

,,Picking on younger is that what you do now Grimshit? Fucking pathetic" he spat.

,,Fuck yourself and go rot in hell" he said kicking him in the ribs and letting him go, leaving him in his own pool of blood surrounding him.

I gasped at the sight and that made Louis snap his head towards me.

,,How much did you see?" he asked wide-eyed visibly paled.

,,Why?" I croaked tears running down my face.

,,It's my job to protect you Hazza. I can't see you hurt it's killing me"

,,But you could get hurt!" I screamed sobs racking my body. If he got hurt because of me I don't think I'll be able to forgive myself.

,,You already did Harry! Why don't you let me help?"

,,I don't want you to think that I'm a helpless baby who can't protect himself" I mumbled ashamed.

,,Don't say that" he frowned ,,I'll always be here to protect you" .

,,You promise?"

,,Promise" (😊)
idk wth is this but oh well I will probably rewrite it

I've been feeling kinda down so I didn't update :/ I hate this but I promised myself I'll finish it so here it is.

Love you all, stay safe xx

young & in love ⤏ l.s. (rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now