Asking Her

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Gajeel sat in his typical spot in the guild the next morning, munching his iron while wearing a thoughtful expression.

Pantherlily sat next to him.

"So tonight is the ball," he said, "when are going to ask her?"

"Ask who?"

"Levy, of course."

"Why would I do that?" Gajeel asked the black exceed.

"Because I know you like her," the exceed replied "you're even staring at her now."

This was true, Gajeel had his gaze fixed on the small, blue haired Mage who didn't notice because she had her cute little nose in a book.

"Tch." was all he said, turning his gaze from the little shrimp.

"Well you should hurry up and ask, because I have a feeling one of her cheerleaders are going to soon."

Gajeel looked over to Jet and Droy as Pantherlily said this, who were staring at Levy with awe as she read.

"I'll go buy flowers for you." and with that the small black cat flew off.

Before Gajeel even gave what he was doing a second thought, he stood up, striding in the direction of Levy's seat.

He found himself behind her seat as she read, casting shadows over the pages.

She turned to look up at him with big hazel eyes. "Hi, Gajeel." she smiled.

"So shrimp," he said, though while hesitating, "are you going to that ball tonight with me?"

Her face turned bright red, "Well I .. if you want.. I....sure." she managed to get out while stammering.

"Great." he said, then walked off, leaving Levy to blush and stare as he strode away, wondering if what just happened actually happened.


Although sunlight was pouring through the windows of Lucy's house, signaling morning time, she stayed in her bed, asleep.

Until she was awakened by the sound of her bedroom door opening, not in anyway quiet, for it was Natsu, swinging it wide open, Happy flying up beside him.

"Hi Lucy!" He exclaimed.

" Natsu, go away," she said, pulling the sheets over her head.

"But it's morning, you should be at the guild." Natsu said, now at her bedside.

" Don't you know not to interrupt a girl while she's trying to get her beauty sleep."

"Beauty sleep," he replied, "what do you need that for?"

"For tonight." Lucy said, groaning.

" I don't see why," he said, pulling the covers down from her face "you look beautiful enough to me."

She looked up at him "Thanks Natsu, that's sweet."

" Yah, I have my moments."

She laughed at that.

"Say, Lucy, you should go with me to that ball tonight, it wouldn't be fun without you."

"Sure, Natsu." she smiled, "now go, I need a lot of time to get ready."

"They're in lllooovve!" Happy exclaimed as they went out the door.

" Shut up Happy!"


"Gray- sama!" Juvia shouted to her beloved from across the guild hall. She ran over to him, who sat at the bar. "Juvia bought a new dress."

"That's nice." he smiled awkwardly.
"Juvia is going to wear it just for you, beloved." she smiled at him, boiling with excitement.

"I bet you'll look great." he said.

This brought hearts to Juvia's eyes, she looked like she was going to pass out with excitement.

Then she asked him a big question. "Is Gray-sama going to ask Juvia to go with him?"

Gray looked shocked for a moment, then over at Mirajane, who stood behind the bar, looking at him expectantly.

"Sure Juvia." Juvia said nothing, just wrapped her arms around his waist, clinging to him and crying.

"What's wrong," he asked, looking down at her "I said I'd go."

"Juvia is just so happy that her beloved is asked her to go to the ball with him." He put his arm over her shoulder and said "I'm happy,too." after that Juvia really did pass out.

Guild Hall Ball-Gajeel x LevyWhere stories live. Discover now