Chapter 4: Clusterphobia

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  The small clock on the bedside table showed that it was just after six when I heard movement outside the door. I woke up to the sound of someone speaking, no doubt it was Zacarias.

The room was cold and dark. The ceiling lamp had been turned off and the room was dark. From the crack under the door, light peeked through.

I sat up on the bed and quickly picked up my coat. It had been draped over the foot of the bed, where I had left it. I slipped it on and then climbed out the bed. I drew back the curtain for a second to see what the outside looked like. The sky was still dark.

I let the curtain fall back into place and then rubbed my eyes. I was tired, exceptionally tired. I guess that was my own fault considering I stayed up half the night in case Zacarias had come into the room.

Step. Step. Step.

"—I'll be leaving within the next ten minutes. I've repacked the car. All that's left to do is drop the keys off at the front desk and wake Zelena."

I stepped closer to the car and pressed my ear against it. There was a pause for several seconds before he began speaking again.

"In a bit o' a state...nothing at all, but that's just a matter for her state o' mind. It will probably fade when we get back."

Another pause.

"Agamemnon probably wouldnne' have if he was looking. If we have no' heard anything from or about him, then I doubt anyone else will."

Another pause.

Agamemnon? Who the hell was Agamemnon? No doubt that person's parents must have liked the stories of Helen of Troy and the Trojan war. God, but this was getting weirder and weirder.

"I understand. I won't let ye' down, Maximus. Thrive fare."

I stood up straight when he no longer spoke. I heard his footsteps moved around quickly, but it wasn't until he approached the door did I move away quickly.

All at once, a strike of panic and adrenaline pulsed within me.

I darted to the opposite side of the room and grabbed the lamp from the bedside table. I pulled the lamp shade from the post and tossed it on the bed. As Zacarias inserted the key into the door, I pulled the lamp cord from the wall and then ripped it out the lamp. It would just get in my way if I didn't.

The door clicked as Zacarias unlocked it.

I moved behind the closet so quickly that it left an acceleration in my heart beat. I held the lamp tightly within both my hands and breathed softly.

The door creaked as it opened and light filled the room.

"Zelena," Zacarias said. "Wake-up, Love."

The ceiling light turned on.


I peeked out from behind the closet. Zacarias looked down at the plate on the floor. The sandwich was left untouched. He then turned and stomped over to the bathroom. He walked inside it and looked around.


I stepped out from behind the closet and charged. As I made my way towards the bathroom door, I lifted the lamp up and brought it down towards Zacarias' head as he stepped out.

"Oi!" he gasped as he reached out and grabbed the lamp before it could hit his head. He pulled the lamp swiftly from my hands and tossed it aside. Before I knew it, he had me against the wall, his hands pinning me back by my shoulders.

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