Chapter 17: Heart to Heart.

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  During times of absolute stress or temperament, I always found myself to be better off away from other people. A comforting notion, in addition, was to preoccupy myself with something else, something that naturally comforted me.

After I left the academy, I walked back to Maximus' and Georgina's house. Upon arriving back, I realized that when people came to talk, they'd know I'd come here. What I needed was some time to be alone with my thoughts.

Instead of going inside the house, I went to the barn. As soon as I walked inside, Nightshade poked his white head over the gate of his box and waited for me.

The barn was warmer than the winter night and the hay smelled fresh.

"Hello, horsey with a horn," I said to him as I slipped my coat off. I folded it up and put it down on wooden bench beside a saddle that was placed over a large wooden barrel.

The wall behind the bench had a series of nails arranged in a long row, each nail attached to a hook. Handing on these hooks were grooming items, no doubt for the horses.

I took down the palm brush and then turned it over in my hands. What was it actually called; a curry comb? Or was this the body brush? Didn't a curry comb have rubber bristles? This one had normal brush bristles. I guess this was the body brush. Did I just brush his coat with this? Was it for his mane, too?

I looked up at the wall and spotted a large comb hanging from a hook. I reached up and took it down. Apparently not if this comb was here. The curry brush was there too, along with another rubbery brush; a dandy brush? I took down all the brushes and held them in one arm. I'm sure I could figure it out.

I walked over to the white unicorn. He seemed somewhat interested in my presence, actually, very interested. As I opened the gate of his box, he stepped back to give me space to enter. Once I closed the gate up, he stepped closer and pressed his nose against the back of my neck.

I gasped and turned around, frightened that he may bite me or knock me over. The unicorn lifted his head and took a step back.

"Sorry," I said to him. "I'm not in great shape." I lifted my palm up and he immediately pressed his face to it. I stroked his head slowly, up and down the length of his nose. He made a grumbling sound and then shook his head to shoo away a fly.

I noticed a small bench inside the corner of the box. I put the combs and brushes down on it and then picked up the curry comb. I guess this was what I needed to start with. I shifted my hand beneath the strap of the comb and then turned back to the unicorn. He moved closer to the gate, standing straight beside me.

I reached up and started gently combing the unicorn's shoulder with it. Almost immediately, loose hairs and dust gathered out from beneath it. I moved the comb in circular motions against the direction of his fur growth, rather impressed with how much dust and loose hair was released.

I worked my way down the length his body. First this side of his body and when I eventually finished combing the gunk from his rump. I moved around him, keeping a hand on him so that he knew where I was. I moved around to his other shoulder and began brushing his coat.

The unicorn suddenly grumbled and I gasped, recoiling away for a second. He shifted his legs and shook out his head to beat off a few flies. Some of the dust and loose hairs poofed out around him.

I breathed in deeply and then stepped closer. Once again, I began to brush his coat.

When I finished combing his rump, I walked back around him and stepped over to the bench. I tossed the curry comb into the pile and then picked up the body brush and dandy brush.

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