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He doesn't like to fight with you but sometimes, shit happens. It's usually because he's still conflicted about his feelings for Haruhi and it makes you feel like he settled for you since he couldn't have her


Like Tamaki, he doesn't like to fight but fighting takes place less often than fights with Tamaki. Your fights usually are about whether or not he's taking care of himself; he's always buried in his work and you can't help but notice that he falls behind on taking care of himself
(Please eat and stay hydrated kids because even if you don't love yourself, someone in this world does and if need be, I'll be that person ❤)


Fights are the rarest thing for you two, like no joke. If you do fight, it's about how to better care for Honey and even then, you two come to a compromise pretty quickly


Like Mori, fights are rare however, when they do happen, they are no fuckin joke. Y'all are usually fighting about how much cake he eats because you don't want his immune system to fucking crash and he flips his shit


Y'all fight constantly except it's usually play fighting. Genuine fighting for you two happens relatively frequently and for the same reason as Tamaki: he still hasn't worked out his feelings for Haruhi and you can't help but feel like he settled


Fights are non-existent tbfh. Like, he's willing to compromise over any possible dispute so when they happen, they're over in seconds

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