Chapter 14 - Back to School

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  • Dedicated to The wonderful readers! I wouldn't of continued without you!

January 5

Emma's P.O.V.

I wake up to my phone, full blast, playing Pierce the Veil. I groan and shut it off, get up and shower. I change into a black teeshirt with a cool picture on it and some black ripped jeans. I brush my hair and pull it back into a high ponytail. I grab my phone and backpack and go downstairs. I eat some cereal and grab my board I run outside and go to school. When I get there I see Sarah with Sam and Lilly by Lachlan, Max, and Preston. I walk over and stand next to Lachlan Sarah says "Oh here we are, who we were looking for."

I just roll my eyes and say "What do you need?". Sam says "We want to talk to you alone". I look at the boys and I walk away with the girls behind me. "Again, what do you need?" I ask annoyed. "We want you to leave Lachlan" Lilly says. "Why, no" I say confused. "This could have been easy" Sam says coming up to me, she punches me and I fall over. I look up at Sarah and she just watches as Sam kicks me in the stomach. They walk away and leave me there bruised.

I walk into English and sit next to Sarah, she ignores me the entire period as Mrs. Adams explains our assignment, we had to create a wall of respect for a person we admire. She handed out the paper and I started brainstorming, I thought about musicians, photographers, artists and came up with nothing. I just started sketching on the paper absent mindedly. Mrs. Adams walks around and stops at my paper. It was a drawing of a camera on a table.

"Who is this for?" she asked. I looked down at my paper and said "I don't know, I was just sketching." she looks at it and says "if you can't think of a person you admire, think of someone you love." she walks away and I color, and darken my drawing. I dedicate it to my parents for adopting me when I had no family. Mrs. Adams collects them and shows then on the overhead. There were some dedicated to Celebertys and some to other classmates. When it came to mine Sarah looked at me sadly.


"Girls get ready a couple is here to adopt!" Mrs. R said. Me and Sarah were sitting on my bunk brushing our hair, she said "let's make a deal, if one of us gets adopted we won't go without eachother." she said holding out her hand. I shook it and said "deal" we were 6 and our now parents wanted a little girl of their own. When they chose me I refused to go without Sarah, so they took us both. Without me Sarah wouldn't have been adopted.

Flashback over

The bell rings and I walk out of class and into math. I sit in my usual seat and ignore the teacher as I think about the past. After class I enter the art class to find a flyer on the desk. I walk in and sit next to Preston, picking up the flyer. It was for a new club led by Mrs. thursby it was a photography club.

First meeting was today after school. Preston says during class "What happened this morning?". I look at my work, we were drawing each other Preston was coming out good. "Nothing Sarah wanted to talk about girl stuff." I lie. He touches my shoulder and I wince. He looks at me concerned and lifts my sleeve. It was a huge bruise I had gotten falling. I tug my arm away from him and ignore him.

At lunch he lifts it up again and shows it to Lachlan. "How did this happen" Lachlan says touching it gently, I wince. "I fell down the stairs." I say pulling away my arm. "Stop lying, you didn't have that this morning." Preston says. I look down and don't talk the rest of lunch. After school I go to the meeting and find a bunch of boys.

After the meeting I go home, I'm on my bed doing homework and listening to Paramore and Sarah walks in. "Em" she says. I look up shut off the music and get back to the problem. "I I saw your wall of respect, why mom and dad why not a photographer?" I ignore her and move on to the next problem. "Em, I" she gets cut off by me. "You want me to talk to you like nothing happened today!" I yell

She backs up and runs into the bathroom and into her room. I blast Pierce the Veil and shut down. This is what I do on a bad day I put on headphones and blast Vic whining about life. I just shut down I don't do anything but breath it calms me down. Today unfortunately it didn't I finish my homework and cover a Pierce the Veil song practically screaming into the mic. I skip dinner and go to sleep.

<3 DarkStar

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