Fantastic Fantasies

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Author's note:

Set during "Much Too Much" GA-S2-E10, canon-divergent AU from there.


Fantastic Fantasies

"I'm having the most terrible sex ever!" Addison mutters loudly when she thinks she's completely alone in the on-call room. "I'm having the most boring and unsatisfying and unfulfilling sex with my husband and I hate that I want more of that because at least it's the only time we're not fighting, ugh!" Addison continues talking to herself.

"Addison?" Meredith vaguely opens her eyes and blinks them once, and then again.

"MEREDITH!?" Addison panics when she realizes she's had an audience for her meltdown.

"Mm?" Meredith mumbles from her barely conscious state.

"How much did you hear of all of that!?" Addison asks her tensely.

"Mm?" Meredith asks her noncommittally.

"Gosh, I can't believe my ex-husband's ex-mistress has to hear about the terrific tales of the wife and the husband going at it, albeit barely. My life is pathetic," Addison sighs.

"Mm," Meredith nods empathetically, not really processing what is happening.

"And now she must wonder 'what does all of this mean,' if the sex is so bad, then maybe she can just sneak on in there and steal him away again, and by all means, maybe she's not wrong because if she can be good for him in the way that I can't well maybe that's not wrong because I am clearly not doing it for him, while we're trying to be 'doing it,' anyway," Addison rambles.

"Mm..." Meredith grumbles as she rolls over, and Addison just continues.

"I don't know if it's because his tastes or mine don't fit right. Like, he's good in bed. Really, like, he does that thing with his tongue that girls probably dream of, but it's not fitting somehow. And then I do this thing that most guys die for, but Derek doesn't care for it, and we got these rhythm problems and pressure problems and it takes us so long, and I don't even know what to do anymore," Addison crumbles.

"Mmmmm," Meredith can't help but sort of perk up and start listening. She tells herself she's just gathering ammo to get back with Derek, but to be truthful, she's becoming more and more intrigued about all the ways that Dr. Montgomery-Shepherd has been trying to please her husband, Derek.

"And I wish he would just know how I like it. Like, I try to tell him what I want- what I need- but then he gets shy about it all, and I get embarrassed about saying it, and we end up in a pile and all grumpy and restless, and gosh, I just need some good sex it's killing me!" Addison flusters.

"Mmhmm..." Meredith mumbles, trying desperately hard not to picture all of the things that Addison could possibly have asked her for in the bedroom, and failing miserably.

"See, I don't think there's any shame in being sort of kinky, even if where I grew up in Connecticut it would probably have been something to be extremely afraid of. But New York is a big city and people are more open about that sort of thing, and before I met Derek I'd thought of going out and finding some people who wanted to try some stuff like that, but I never did, and now I know I'm probably a terrible person, because I'm craving something the husband I still sort of love will probably never be able to offer me, and I know that Mark tried hard to do me like that, and he was decent and all, but I was never going to be in love with him, and I just need to get laid or something, and doing it with Derek is not scratching the itch anymore," Addison keeps on venting.

"Mmmmmmmmmm," Meredith barely keeps herself back from moaning at the thought of all the ways that Addison likes it kinky.

Truth be told, Meredith is into all sorts of eccentricities, and she's experienced a lot of it throughout Europe, throughout College, and Medical School, and now her one-night-stands. She's never found it a problem to find some guy or girl to do her like she wants because she's into too many things to count anyway. Most people are into something she's into, and she's not committed to anyone, so she just finds the next person to try something out the next night.

Sure, she's lonely because she has nothing stable, and sure, she craves something more sometimes, and sure, is Meredith kidding herself when she has to check herself on her urges to seduce Addison into all of her angsty goodness.

And as Addison Montgomery-Shepherd keeps pacing around in her heels complaining loudly about all of her unfulfilled desires, Meredith Grey keeps on lying there less and less sleepy, and more and more awake, filing away all of this information for later when she just might have the courage to offer Addison just what she might damn well be looking for.


Author's Note:

So this might become a catch-all for a sex-fic if anyone has any requests? Otherwise, it'll become one of the few unrequited love fics that I might ever write. Enjoy!


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