Chapter 7: Therefore Are We Wreathing a Flowery Band

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Eunseom was dreaming. That in itself wasn't unusual, but this dream was different from all the others. He was back in the lonicera field, the fateful place where he had lost his mother and found Tanya, but neither of them were here, nor were any of the Wahans.

Across from him, a boy sat cross-legged. He looked oddly familiar. He was making a flower crown, humming to himself as he tied the lonicera flowers together.

Eunseom watched, fascinated by the boy's skill. He was better than Doti.

"My mother taught me how to thread them. I'm a quick learner," the boy explained. He didn't seem surprised that Eunseom was here, watching him.

"Oh, I see," Eunseom said in response. "Where's your mother?"

"She's an important person, so she's busy."

Eunseom frowned. "You must be lonely."

"Not really. I have many things to do."

"What kind of things?"

"I'm trying to tame a horse. It's pretty fun, but I haven't succeeded yet."

Eunseom laughed. "I know what you mean. It was such a pain to convince Helper to let me ride him."

The boy finally looked up from the flowers in his hands and gave Eunseom an impressed look. "You tamed a horse? Wow, I'm jealous."

Eunseom grinned at the boy. "You'll succeed, too."

The boy returned the smile. Why did he look so familiar?

They returned to the comfortable silence. The boy continued to thread the flowers and Eunseom continued to watch.

"Done," the boy said after a while. "This is for you." He stood up and placed the flower crown on Eunseom's head.

When Eunseom went to touch the flowers, he woke up.

Consciousness slowly returned, the tickle of cold air pulling him out of his dream. He opened his eyes and felt disoriented at first, but then he remembered that he was in Saya's treehouse. His friends were fast asleep on the floor next to him.

He peered out of the doorway. It was pre-dawn. The sky was already tinged in purples and blues, but the woods were still dark. He could barely see anything down below.

He climbed down the ladder and found Helper sleeping beside the remains of their campfire, his fur rising and falling with each breath. As Eunseom approached, Helper stirred and gave him a look that said, "Why are you up at the crack of dawn?"

Eunseom patted Helper's neck. "Sorry for waking you." He frowned, remembered the reason he woke up in the first place. "I had a strange dream, you know?"

Helper's expression was the epitome of sleepy indifference.

"Do horses dream?" Eunseom wondered aloud. "But your blood is red, so I guess not."

Helper yawned, then got up and started walking downhill toward the river. When Eunseom didn't follow, he turned and neighed at him. It was an obvious order to get going. Well, Eunseom had nothing else to do.

By the time they reached the river, the sky was a light pink, reflected in the clear water. Helper went to drink, and Eunseom washed his face. When he saw his reflection in the water, for a moment he didn't see himself, but the man on the battlefield who had struck him down.

His brother Saya, his benetbeot, his mirror...

It wasn't the first time he thought about what Tanya and Mubaek had told him yesterday. There was a prophecy, and Tanya was the Bell, he the Sword, and Saya the Mirror.

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