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     Drew arrived in just half an hour and Golda welcomed and wrapped her arms around his neck.  Drew disentangled her display of affection , instead asked for me.  The woman laughed and tagged him to where I was kept.  He asked for her reason in doing such a bad modus.  Bluntly, she answered "You".  She said she can accept a loss in one championship game but  not I and Drew ending up together. She recounted our compe- titions since we were in first grade.I being favored over her to be the muse of our basketball team and most of all I being chosen as queen of our prom.  I never knew that she's been taking it against me.  My dear friend was eaten up  by env and she is jealous of my closeness to Drew.
     Drew threw her a spiteful look and branded her to be pretentious.  She was showing to be my bodyguard, when in fact, I  need to be protected from her.
      She asked her men to take me away where Drew cannot see me.And I was transfered to another room full of garbage.  There Golda pulledmy shirt exposing my breasts and she was laughing. I really don't know what she was up to.   She asked for the reason why Drew can't choose her over me . No woman in the right sense of mind will ask that question from a man. Thjs woman has no pride.
     Golda must be out of her mind. I will never forget this day.The day I lost a friend and a sister.  My hands are already black and blue from being tied. Numbness had made them immovable. My temple is throbbing with pain.  I can  no longer stand what ishappening to me.  But the most painful part is that I lost a friend and a sister.
     I told her I would not let a man come between us.  But I never thought that it's got to be this way.  Why did she allow her emotions eat her up to the point of physically hurting me. I am attracted to Drew but I could  sacrifice for her.Now I have to be true to myself.  But I realize it's not at all worth it.  My friend is worth dying for. But this is not my friend.  This is the devil trapped in a human body.I overheard her asking Drew to say he loves her but he did not comply and preferred to be hurt.  Impatiently. she went to me to be the victim of her wrath.  She wants me to drop Drew. I told her how can I drop him when there is nothing between us.  She called me a liar while pulling my hair.  It really hurt me. But nothing compare to the pain of being deceived by a friend when you have fully given your trust tothem.  They friends don't leave you like lovers often do.That is, if she is truly a friend.
     I have not lost a friend but gained a mortal enemy in Golda who can kiss like Judas but puts you down in the end. I will not give up a love worth fighting for in Drew.  So, i made a thorough analysis of my moments with Golda. The day she fitted the gown I have to put on on the prom, the shorts that matches the uniform of Drew's basketball team and the peach dress I was wearing when Drew was introduced to me.

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