Look before you fall [Graylor]

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  A/N Hey guys! This is a Graylor fanfiction I thought of while watching the Speak Now world tour dvd i hope you enjoy


“Come on Taylor it can’t be that bad!” My guitarist Grant said while looking up at the balcony I would use to fly over tonight’s stadium. It was the 13th night of the Speak Now world tour and today things just weren’t running smoothly.

 “b-but its higher up then all the other nights” I say nervously. You see I’m not good with heights and today is no exception.

 “Here why don’t I come up with you for the test run? It might make you feel a bit better” he asks.

“Yeah that would be great” I say letting out a sigh of relief. We walked over to the death contraption as I like to call it and got harnessed in by the stunt team.

“Are you ready?” one of them asks us. Before I can say a word Grant says

 “Let’s go!” and up we went getting higher and higher.

“I don’t think this is such a good idea Grant” I say nervously clutching at the balcony’s railing.

“If it wasn’t a good idea Taylor I wouldn’t have let you up here in the first place. I promise I’ll always keep you safe” as Grants talking he slowly pries my hands off the railing and interlaces his hands with mine. A loud tearing noise brings us back to reality. The stunt team is running frantically below us yelling orders at each other. The only words I caught were


“G-grant did you h-hear that?” I ask with a frantic look in my eyes

“Taylor, I want you to turn around and grab on to me and don’t let go” Grant says seriously.

I grab on to him and hang on for dear life. I hear another tearing sound coming from the right and then we’re falling. My hands slip off of Grants shoulders and before I know it I hit the ground hard. Black spots fill my vision but before I lose consciousness I see Grant hovering above me screaming my name as I give in to the darkness.

Look before you fall [Graylor]Where stories live. Discover now