Trust issues

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A/N: As you can see this chapter is a but shorter then the others its mostly a filler chapter leading up to the plot. enjoy!  


Grants P.O.V

Time passed minutes turned in to hours and hours to days. Andrea and Austin come in regularly but don’t bother me. From what I’ve heard them say they’re dealing with legal issues involving the “faulty wire” or at least that’s what the court likes to call it. Without a doubt it wasn’t a freak accident we came to that conclusion a while ago. Everyone in The Agency has been questioned except for me so today whether I like it or not I’m being dragged to the police station.

~~~Time Skip 1 hour~~~

I was about to round the corner after my questioning when I heard a faint voice accompanied my footsteps coming toward the hallway I was in. A small office was the only place I could hide so I quickly slipped in and hid behind the door. As the person got closer I started to catch bits and pieces of what she was saying. As the mystery girl got close enough I heard the words I never wanted to hear from a person I never thought I would hear them from. Who knew one of your best friends can turn into your worst enemy in a matter of minutes.

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