Intro/Chapter 1

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Message to the readers.

Dear readers,

    I am truly happy to share this book with you guys. Behind all the drama and plot twist in this story there is true meaning. Being gay is ok because you are being your self. There is always going to be someone there to tare you down. But you got to pick your self up and stand higher then what you did before. Coming out is the hardest thing to do. I know that for a fact. I came out two years ago but I always knew that I was. But there are still people there that try to tare me down. I just ignore them and move on. No matter where you go there is always someone who judges you. And don’t think you are not aloud in church because god loves every single one of his children no matter what. He loves you as much as everyone else. And I also love every single one of you. Even my haters. So I hope you enjoy this book and remember to be yourself. Then you’ll believe in everything possible.


                                         Andy Marcum

Chapter 1

The sun peeks through my red curtains. The bright morning sun makes my eyes throb. I drunk way too much last night. I thought. My head pounds from all the noise. I hear my mom walking up the stairs. Oh great. I thought. Now I am going to have to hear her run her mouth once again. I get so tired of it. The door opens fast.

“Zach, honey get up, I have to get to the school extra early today for a meeting.”  Yelled Zach’s mom. Ugh, I’ll drive myself. I yelled back. “No you won’t either. You still have your license suspended for driving under the influence a month ago.”  “It was a month ago mom, why can’t I have them back yet?” I asked. “You still have five months left, and if you don’t change your attitude, you won’t have them back until I say so. Now get up.” She walks out of my room and heads downstairs into the kitchen. I got my licenses taking away from drinking and driving. I was at a party at this guy Cooper’s house. I met him at a football tournament a couple months before the accident. We never really talked but one night he invited me and my friends to his party. I drunk way too much and was stupid enough to get inside of my car and drive home. I get up and head to the bathroom. “ZACH HURRY UP I HAVE TO PEE” Yelled my little sister. Maya is 13 and thinks she is the queen. “Don’t rush me Maya” I yelled back. I have to curl my hair and do my makeup that takes time too, god. “Language Maya” Dad butted in. I open the door and said “See that’s why you don’t yell really lowed and say stuff where they can hear.” I laughed and went into my room. “I really don’t see how you are popular Zach.” She replied. “Ding Ding” my phone made a sound. The text message reads, “Hey are you coming over today?” From Tara. I respond, “I can’t” I get dressed and gather my stuff for school. “Ding, Ding” The text message reads, “And this is why you don’t have a girlfriend because you never hang with them nor kiss them. You’re like a virgin marry.”  I respond “I never even wanted to date you. I dropped you because you are a hoe. Your lips have been everywhere and anywhere possible. That is disgusting. Why do you think people don’t like you Tara?” “Zach! Breakfast now!” Yelled mom. I head down stairs and sit down at the table. “Eat fast, because we have to leave.” “Mom, Can I go over to Sara’s after school today for a project” Said Maya “Yes but be home by 6.” Mom responds. “Why does she get to go places after school, and I can’t?” I said with my mouth full. “Son, until you prove you have responsibility like not forgetting your chores around here, then you can. But until then the answer is no.” Said my father. Of course I have to prove to them. I proved so much to them in the past, nothing is never good enough. I thought. “Alright let’s go before you two start an argument.” Replied my mom. I grab my book bag, and get in the front seat of the Tahoe.

“Hey what if I want to sit up there?” Maya asked. Sucks for you. I laughed. “Don’t be so rude to your sister or your licenses will be gone longer then you want them to be. Got it?” Mom shouted. I plugged in my head phones and stared out the window waiting to get to school.

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