Ch 20: Training camp pt 4

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POV Akaashi

Three days. Akaashi had not left the room in three days, his entire body was sore and not because he had been playing volleyball. He blamed Bokuto who had gone into a rut and not let him sleep the entire time. Head to toe he was covered in bruises, bite marks, and scratch marks.

"I'm so sorry puppy." Bokuto said. He had his head in Akaashi's lap and his arms wrapped around Akaashi's waist.

"It's okay I told you that. Neither of us were thinking clearly." Akaashi said. It was true neither of them were in the right headspace to make smart decisions. The last three days was hazy, the only thing he remembered was Bokuto almost killing Washio for trying to bring them food. 

"It looks like you got attacked." Bokuto said pouting. Akaashi ran his hand through Bokuto's hair.

"Well in a way I did." Akaashi said. Bokuto whined.

"I'll never touch you again I promise!" Bokuto said. Akaashi covered his mouth trying not to laugh.

"Okay Bokuto-san I won't let you touch me." Akaashi said. 

"I can touch you if I want to!" Bokuto said perking up, Akaashi had become an expert in getting him out of his moods.

"Yes you can." Akaashi said. Bokuto sighed.

"Well we have to leave the room at some point." Bokuto said standing up. He had never been one to care what he looked like or his physical appearance, but he looked like absolute shit. Bags under his eyes and from the chin down he looked like he had fallen off a cliff. There was no hiding the hickeys that made his neck look like one big bruise. He had decided that he would wear his track suit which was pants and a long sleeve, which covered most of him. He knew coach would tell him to change but he would explain why he couldn't as awkward as it would be.

"Ready?" Bokuto asked? Akaashi nodded even though he wasn't. They walked out of the room and to where the court was.

"I won't let anyone give you shit okay?" Bokuto said grabbing Akaashi's hand. Akaashi nodded and they walked into the gym. As soon as the team saw them they all ran over. Akaashi got ready to be made fun of.

"Akaashi are you okay?! He didn't hurt you right?" Komi asked. 

"Dude your neck! Bokuto you ass!" Sarukui said. 

Akaashi stood stunned at everyone giving Bokuto shit and worrying about him. Bokuto's mouth was open and his eyes were wide.

"W-well it's not like I meant to!" Bokuto yelled. The team started laughing.

"Dude we're joking. God you guys have been gone for three days how are you even standing Akaashi?" Asked Akinori. AKaashi shrugged. He refused to say out loud that he was in an immense amount of pain.

"I told him he needed to stay in bed but he didn't listen." Bokuto said.

"Well look who decided to show up!" Akaashi looked up to to see Kuroo jogging toward them, followed by a small boy that reminded him of a cat. Kuroo walked up to Bokuto and they fist bumped.

"You look like you had fun." Kuroo said to Akaashi. Akaashi again shrugged.

"This is Kenma" Kuroo said introducing his mate. So that was Kenma, he was much different then Akaashi imagined him. Kenma awkwardly dipped his head and ran off. 

"Still as anti social as ever I see." Bokuto joked. Kuroo laughed and nodded.

"Yah not much of a talker that one." Kuroo said. Akaashi noticed coach and Washio walking over.

"Alright back on the court. Akaashi and Bokuto you both stay." Couch said. Great we are gonna get yelled at Akaashi thought.

"You alright Akaashi? You look pale." Washio said. Akaashi looked at him and nodded, he had no strength to even talk.

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