Ch 22: Loser

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POV Akaashi

Akaashi never realized how hard it was to NOT do sexual things with his mate. Him and Bokuto had not touched each other since made the bet to see which one would crack first. If Akaashi lost he had to be Bokuto's slave for the entire beach trip, if he won Bokuto had to wear the mad outfit and go to practice in it. Akaashi was pretty proud of himself for coming up with that.


Akaashi looked up and saw Bokuto running at him full speed, Bokuto had a big grin on his face. Akaashi braced himself for impact right before Bokuto slammed into him and lifted him off the ground.

"Bokuto-san put me down." Akaashi said in a monotone voice. Bokuto set him down and made a pouty face. Akaashi took a deep breath and sighed.

"C'mon we have practice." Akaashi said. Bokuto perked up and started dragging Akaashi to the gym. They changed into their volleyball clothes and walked into the gym, everyone was already there.

"You two always seem to be he last." Komi said. Akaashi just shrugged because Komi wasn't wrong. It was because Bokuto always got distracted.

"Alright everyone stretch." Coach yelled. Akaashi walked to the court and began stretching. His body had pretty much fully healed after being- well obliterated. It was Wednesday which meant he had to hold out for two more days until him and Bokuto went to the beach. Which may sound easy but it was not, it was so difficult Akaashi had to stay at HIS OWN house for the past two nights. Which was weird.


Akaashi ignored Bokuto and continued stretching.

"Hey Akaashi"



Akaashi groaned and looked over to Bokuto, he didn't want to ignore him but it made it a lot easier to not want to touch him.

"Yes Bokuto-san?" Akaashi asked. 

"You look cute today." Bokuto said with a big smile. If Akaashi was more expressive he would have probably grabbed his chest and freaked out. But because it was Akaashi he simply blushed and gave a small nod. 

"T-thanks" Akaashi said quietly. Once they were done stretching they split in two teams and had a practice match. As always Bokuto and Akaashi were on the same team, it was kinda an unspoken rule they had to be.

"Send it to me!" Bokuto yelled to Akaashi. Akaashi set the ball to Bokuto, who jumped and hit it hard. Akaashi watched as the ball hit the ground with a loud thud a foot outside the court. Akaashi knew what was coming.

"I'm a failure." Bokuto said holding a fist to his chest. Akaashi pinched the bridge of his nose.

"It's just a practice game Bokuto-san. Against our own team" Akaashi pointed out. Bokuto looked up at him and Akaashi swore he could see tears in Bokuto's eyes.

"If I can't even beat my own team how could I beat another team? Set it to someone else" Bokuto said making a very sad face. Akaashi noticed that whenever Bokuto got into one of his weird depressed moods his hair looked significantly less spiky. 

"Alright I'll set it to Akinori." Akaashi said turning back to the net. 




"What do you mean set it to Akinori?!" Bokuto said. Akaashi smirked at the predicability of his mate."

"Well you said set it to someone else." Akaashi said.

"Yah let me spike it." Akinori chimed in.

"I'm the best so Akaashi set it to me!" Bokuto said pointing to himself. Akaashi gave a small nod.

"If you say so." Akaashi said. He heard Akinori chuckle. The rest of practice went smoothly after Bokuto stopped whining. Akaashi decided that he would again spend the night at his own house. He grabbed his stuff and walked out of the gym but didn't get very far until someone grabbed his arm and stopped him. He looked back to see Bokuto.

"Hey what's up?" Akaashi asked. Bokuto furrowed his brow and stuck out his lip.

"Are you mad at me?" Bokuto asked still holding Akaashi's arm. 

"No why do you think I'm mad?" Akaashi asked. 

"Well you have been kinda distant and you haven't stayed at my house for a few days." Bokuto said. Akaashi mentally slapped himself for not thinking about how it would make Bokuto feel. 

"No I'm not mad at all." Akaashi said resting his hand on top of Bokuto's. Bokuto seemed to relax and nodded.

"Good then you can stay at my house." Bokuto said with a small grin. Akaashi went to argue but before he could Bokuto kissed him. It had been a few days they had gone without physical contact and just a kiss almost made Akaashi crack. He imagined Bokuto walking into the gym with a maid outfit on and he remembered what he was waiting for. He was going to win the bet and there was nothing Bokuto could do to make him give in. Akaashi pulled away.

"C'mon I'm starving." Akaashi said walking away. Bokuto quickly caught up with him and laced their fingers together. They walked home silently enjoying each other's presence. Once they had gotten to the house Akaashi took off his shoes and set his stuff down. 

"I'm gonna make ramen. Does that work?" Akaashi said walking into the kitchen. He waited a second for Bokuto to answer but he didn't. Akaashi looked back to see Bokuto staring at him, Akaashi knew that look.

"Why are you staring at me?" Akaashi asked. Bokuto groaned and ran his hands through his hair. Bokuto was feeling frustrated like very frustrated and it was coming in waved through their bond. 

"Um yah ramen is fine with me." Bokuto said. Akaashi nodded and started making the food. He could still feel Bokuto's frustration, Akaashi knew it was hard on him. Bokuto had a lot of self control for an alpha, usually an alpha wouldn't be able to go this long. Akaashi was not doing much better. Every once in a while Bokuto would let out a huff from the couch or sigh. Akaashi quickly finished their food and handed a bowl to Bokuto. 

"Thank you." Bokuto said while Akaashi sat down right next to his mate. They turned on the TV and started a movie. Akaashi tried to ignore Bokuto staring into his soul. Might as well make the owl suffer right? Akaashi finished his ramen and set down the bowl and then climbed into Bokuto's lap. 

"W-wait Akaashi" Bokuto stuttered. Akaashi made himself comfortable and then adjusted to be able to look at Bokuto's face.

"Yes?" Akaashi asked almost laughing at how red Bokuto was. Bokuto thought for a second, then practically threw his bowl.

"Fuck this stupid bet." Bokuto said. In the blink of an eye Akaashi was flipped and straddling Bokuto. Their lips smashed together and Akaashi almost yelped. Bokuto's hands were running up and down his body. Akaashi tangled his fingers in Bokuto's hair. After a few seconds they pulled apart and Akaashi felt a smile tug at his lips.

"I think that maid outfit will look good on you Bokuto-san."


I am so sorry for the long ass wait I have been so busy with family stuff and overall lazy as hell but it's here! Thank you all for the 14.5K reads that's insane! Currently this story is second in omegaverse and ninth in Bokuaka so thank you for that too! Updating will be officially Mondays and Thursdays! 


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