I'm not sure what you wanted me to do for this one so I just did all couple or friendship moments that I lived in each season.
1. Leonetta kiss
2. Naty and Maxi develop feelings for eachother
3. German kisses Angie
4. Rafa Palmer (I think I spelt it wrong) keeps going after Angie. That was funny!
5. Vilu's on the plane and says "I don't want to die". Again, really funny!
1: Marco and Fran sing junto a ti or something like that at the kareoke place.
2: Naxi, Marcesca and Leonetta kiss near the end
3. Vilu and the girls sing codigo amistad (they do this many times)
4. All the really cute Fran, Cami and Vilu moments
5: Leonetta moments!!!!
1. The thing the guys do for Marco because he's leaving, don't know how to describe it.
2. The bit where everyone has a paint fight
3. Leonetta kiss!!
4. Alex and Gery kiss
5. The countless times when Vilu and Leon sing nuestro camino together without knowing it.