Sleeping Besides You [8]

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"Later guys, wish I could stick around but I've gotta do some laundry and take care of my mom today. Good luck with the drawing though Sallyface, teach him well Y/N!", Larry called out, entering the elevator as the two of you waved bye to him, the doors closing, leaving you and Sallyface to yourselves now. "My place or yours?", you asked him, shaking the water off of your umbrella, "I've never been inside his apartment...I'm really curious as to what it's like. He's told me his dad's always busy with work so I'm sure he won't mind me coming over.".

Thinking to himself briefly, Sal decided that the two of you should hang out at his place, being that you've never seen his room or hung out with him in there. "She's welcomed me into her room so it's best I do the same. Plus, I bet she'd really like my movie posters, more stuff to bond over...", and with that he placed his hand upon the door of his apartment, opening it up for you to enter, "We can hang out at my place, if that's okay with you.".

Nodding excitedly, you entered his apartment, looking around to see the same layout each apartment in the building had, "Should I take my shoes off before I go any further?", you asked, wanting to be a polite guest. "Oh, no, don't worry about it. We're not neat freaks or anything, speaking of that, excuse any dirty mugs lying around. My dad drinks a lot of coffee and never washes his damn cups.", he closed the door behind him and began to guide you towards his room, the same room as the one you had chosen in your apartment.

"Dad! I have a friend over to work on a project! We'll be in my room.", he called out before opening his door and walking inside, tossing his backpack onto the ground as you followed behind him, stepping nervously inside his room. This was a major moment for you after all, you were inside your crushes room! Unbeknownst to you, Sal was having the same exact thought process, "Holy shit, Y/N is in my room, we're...alone. I-is it clean enough? I hope Gizmo didn't cough up any hair balls...".

After finishing his thought, a meow was heard from underneath his bed, a pair of feline eyes shining from within the darkness, "Oh! That must be the famous Gizmo, what a cutie! Is he shy?", you asked, walking over towards the bed and leaning forward in an attempt to get a better look at the cat who simply retreated further under the bed. Sal chuckled at your excitement, "That's him alright, and he's definitely a shy kitty at first but once he cozies up to you, he'll never leave you alone. Just ask Larry.".

You turned your gaze away from the plump cat and onto the walls of Sallyface's bedroom, admiring his posters, "You've got good taste, Sallyface.", he was about to make a comment before you spotted the guitar in the corner of his room, immediately walking over towards it and kneeling down, admiring the beautiful instrument, "Holy shit, you play? That's amazing.".

Blushing at the sight of your joyful smile, he nervously rubbed the back of his neck as he sat upon his bed, pulling his hoodie off carefully as to not disturb his mask, "Y-yeah, I'm just learning for now though, Larry's helping me out too.", he tossed his hoodie onto his dresser while picking up his backpack to take out his project supplies. Still admiring the guitar, you could imagine how amazing Sallyface would be at playing, not to mention, how attractive it would be, "He's already a cutie, but a cutie with a guitar?! Woof...", suddenly you felt a fuzzy form rubbing itself against your ankle, "Gizmo!".

Glancing over, Sallyface was surprised at how quickly his pet had cozied up to you, "Oh, wow, that's unusual. He must sense how kind you are. I'd cozy up to you quick too if I were him.", he remarked without thinking as he took his shoes off, only afterwards realizing that might've sounded odd, "Sorry, was that weird?". Laughing, you plopped yourself besides him while taking your shoes off as well, backpack following as you pulled out your sketchbook, "Not at all, Sal. Your compliments are sweet, they're always just the perfect thing to say in the moment. I like that about you. So, wanna get started on the project? I can't wait to see our finished products!".

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