2. Im the sone of rage and love

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Italics= flashback
Normal letters= present time
I wake up with a pounding headache and a lot of bruises.

I lay my head on the back of the couch that was once gorgeous until the party animals arrived. I try to catch my breath after dancing and jumping around for the majority of the time.

I sit up and rub my tired eyes, trying- no, straining to remember what happened last night.

I adjust my head to look at the stranger who just tapped me on the shoulder.
"Yo." I smile at the guy.
"Look." He points to Amanda.

My eyes widen as I remember what I saw.

Amanda in the presence of another guy. She kisses his lips. All the noise around me fade away and .
my veins fill with pure, livid rage. It's bad enough I'm high as shit but being angry doesn't make it any better.
"Jimmy! It's not worth it!" Mike calls after me as I push through the crowded living room.

I sit on the edge of my bed, in heartbreak.

I approach  the guy and punch him square in the jaw, he leans over in shock and pain before regaining his senses and pinning me to the wall.

All the moments soon string together and the fight that broke loose plays in my mind like a shitty cinematic film. After I decipher what I think happened, I attempt to get up but a severe, twisted burning pain rushes through the side of my stomach. I slouch back into my pillows, surrendering to the pain almost immediately.
"What the fuck?" I say out loud.
Suddenly a girl I've never seen before enters my room.
Her curled purple hair falls perfectly just below her shoulders. Her green eyes filled with sympathy.
"Oh! You're up! I'll go get Billie." She disappears into the living room and rushes back with him.
"Hey, how're you feeling?" He looks at me, with the same sympathy.
"Confused. What happened?" I furrow my eyebrows.
"You were fucking stabbed. How do you not feel it?" The random girl pipes in.
"What??" I sit-up in panic "you mean like, stab-stabbed??" I pull up my tee, which is different from the one I was wearing last night. A bloody bandage is wrapped messily around my waist.
"I bought more bandage." The girl hands a "Kimberly's pharmacy" bag over to Billie.
"So? Who stabbed me?" I ask and drop my shirt.
"John." The girl answers.
"The motherfucker kissing Amanda?"
"Yeah, I hate to say it but you kinda had it coming. Everyone knows not to mess with him." Billie answers.
"Yeah, I guess so. Who are you?" I point to the girl.
"Ellie. We met last night." She looks at the ground.
"And you just decided to tag along?"
She nods before answering, "Sorry, Billie said it'd be okay, plus I wanted to make sure you were okay."
"It's cool. Thanks for taking care of me."
"Wow, no thanks for me?" Billie says, dramatically.
"Thank you dumbass." I smile.
"We were gonna take you to the hospital but she was in medical training and you had to much shit in your system."
"Yeah, I knew you'd be okay! It looks like it didn't hit anything main." She smiles, "but eventually you should go in to have it checked out. For now, we need to change those bandages." She sits beside me on my bed. "May I?" She tugs my shirt.
"Be my guest."
She pulls my shirt back up.
"Should I just take it off?"
"I mean- it would make it easier."
I pull off the Dayglow Abortion tee and throw it on my floor. She reaches her hand in the paper bag and pulls out a tube.
"I can't watch, I'm going to get food. Sushi?" Billie asks.
"Yes!!" Me and Ellie say at the same time. I grin at her in excitement.
"Okay, see you two later." Billie leaves.
"What is that?" I ask her.
"Polysporon." She undoes the cap and motions for me to sit up.
I watch her concentrated face and she works away on my wound. Her full lips morph around her tongue, which is sticking ever so slightly, out one side of her mouth
She catches me staring.
"nothing." I smile at her. "Why?" I ask.
"You were looking at me weird."
"I was just admiring- fuck!" I grip the sheets in my fist, "that hurts!"
"I know, I'm sorry. It'll be over soon."
She does her best to comfort me, and it works.
She's quite cute, and sweet.
I can tell her hearts too big for her own good.

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