Chapter 2

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"Sumner, will you please go over the guest list to make sure everyone who RSVP'd will have party favors? Make a few extra just in case we have some last minutes, but not too many. And double check that the drinks are all there as well. We can't run out of champagne. Also, please make sure that the bar knows to be fully stocked as well," I told my assistant as I went over my notes.

She nodded as she typed on her computer.

"Is there anything else?" she asked.

I shook my head as I reread my notes. "No, but I'll give you a call if there's anything else that pops up. Thank you."

She nodded and printed her own notes as she got ready to leave. With the event being tomorrow, she had to check the details for me in person before I checked them tomorrow. The holidays meant making sure every last detail was done to perfection since the clients were more on edge. I was thankful that Christmas wasn't for a few more weeks. That gave me time to get the details right for another client's Christmas party. The chaos was never-ending.

I walked back to my office and decided to check my emails. Naomi was supposed to come over today with some of the samples so that I could decide on what to finalize. I checked the time and realized there was still some time before she was do. Looking at the long list of my emails, I decided I needed some coffee to get through today. The day before an event was usually the busiest.

I walked out to the elevator and to the kitchenette where some of the staff was mingling. They gave me polite smiles and walked to their desks, going back to work. There were Christmas decorations almost everywhere, and the room smelled of warm spices like cinnamon and nutmeg.

"Hi, ma'am," someone greeted me.

I turned to see one of my employees walking into the kitchenette.

"Hi, Emily. How are you?" I asked her, going over to the coffee station.

I picked out the one I wanted and got to work setting the machine. I was grateful I had invested in a more expensive one. Though the price tag had hurt me, the various settings meant we didn't have to venture out to always get our beverages. It came in handy in cold weather.

"I'm well, thank you. How are you? Ready for the party tomorrow?" Emily asked.

"Almost. Just getting some details together now. Do you have any plans for the holidays?"

"Yeah! My fiancé and I are celebrating Christmas with his family this year. My parents decided to go up to a cabin this year. Something about wanting alone time without any children around."

My lips lifted into a light smile. "I'm sure it's nothing personal."

"It isn't. I think this is the first Christmas in years that I won't be going to their place for the holidays. They deserve some alone time, especially with their anniversary coming up soon."

"Well, I'm glad they get to get away for a bit."

"What about you? Any plans this year?"

I shook my head. "No, we have an event that I'll be managing on Christmas and again on New Year's."

"Ella, don't take this the wrong way. You work more than anyone else here. You're always here for the holidays even though you make sure that the rest of us are with our families. You more than deserve a break."

I smiled politely as I grabbed my mug.

I focused on fixing my coffee as I answered Emily. "Thank you for your kind words, but I'm okay. I get plenty of free time, and you all work hard for me. The least I can do is make sure you're all with your families during the holidays. My family isn't really big on celebrations, so we do small get-togethers."

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