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*She sleeps alone my heart wants tocome home, I wish i was i wish i----*


I clicked off on my alarm and rolled out of bed. Wow another boring day I thought. I go downstairs and sit at the table when I get a text from my bestfriend Kayla,

Kay- Hey ill be there in 15 mins can't believe we are leaving today :)

Oh my gosh I scream as I run upstairs screaming. I cant believe I totally forgot about the most important thing in my life. Kayla and I are moving to Cali and our flight is in 30 minutes and I have everything packed and at our apartment BUT MY CLOTHES.

As im running around packing my clothes i hear Kayla Pull up. I pack up the rest of my shirts and push everything down the stairs. I have 2 duffle bags and 3 suitcases. Yes I have alot of clothes dont judge me. I open the door and start loading my bags in the car.


(My nickname for Kayla is Kay) "Kay I can't believe we are actually moving its always been our dream'' I said excited "I know right im so happy now lets get to our plane before we dont get to leave" She said laughing

I've never been on a plane and im scared out of my mind. Kayla on the other hand has been on a plane 4 times. So we get on the plane and im silently panicking. "Sit by the window so if your scared atleast you cant get out and run around scaring the poor people" Kayla says to me pushing me in the seat I sit in the window seat freaking out this is the worst place to sit so I close the shade.

I get on twitter and start stalking Matthew Espinosa because he is bae of course. I turn off my phone and start to sleep. When i notice I never told my mom goodbye she was still asleep when I left but shes probably awake now so I called her and said I left but id be back soon to visit and I say goodbye ... I start to slowly fall asleep. I feel someone shaking me so I get up and see its Kayla "Come on get up we gotta go" she says. I get up and follow her out we see my car and go to it. We drive an hour to our apartment. When we get there we unpack almost everything.

Kayla's room is white and turquoise, she has a walk in closet and a bathroom. My room is dark purple and white I also have a bathroom and closet. We have one other room and another bathroom, a small livingroom and a kitchen. Outside is a good size yard with a porch we also have a pool but its not only ours. No one lives beside us so thats a plus.

We already applied for a job here at Jenny's Bakery. We can both bake but I chose to bake and she chose to be a waiter. No its not a resteraunt but it has a few tables.


Kayla and have liked working here at the bakery some nice people come in here and we have some nice people that come in everyday for just coffee. I went to the kitchen and went to get the man named James that is here everyday his coffee and muffin when I heard like 4 guys come in yelling and laughing.

"Shut up Cam this isnt a football stadium" I hear a guy yell. Huh? funny sounds like Matthew Espinosa and he said Cam? WAIT I peak out and see Matt and Cam having a thumb war and Nash and Hayes Grier stareing at them like the boys were 4. I run back to Kayla and tell her they are here. She silently fangirls.

I act calm or try to and go ask what they want but then Nash and Cam start yelling and I cant talk I look at Matt and he says "Im so sorry" wow hes so cute "No its fine what would you like?" I ask "Umm your number?" I started to blush and he smiles.

"But serriously what would you like?" I asked "I want your number but also 4 cupcakes all vanilla" he says nicely "Uh um itll um be right out one second" I say going to get the cupcakes I give them to them and they pay and I gve them the reciept "What no number?" he says fake being sad I take it back and right my number "There" I say smiling

I turn to go but stop when he says "Wait I didn't catch your name?" "Oh it's Ashly" I say shyly "That's a cute my name is Ma--" " I know wh you are, your Matthew Espinosa" I say laughing "Ohh, huh? So your a big fan" he winks "Im just a normal fan not a crazy one" I smile "Well hey we have to go ill text you bye Ashly" he waves and the other boys finally stop talking and notice they have missed everything "bye guys" I say smiling and walking away.


Im so sorry this is my first book this is probably horrible :)

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