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After that crazy event I ran back to Kayla and told her how the whole conversation went and how I gave MATTHEW FLIPPING ESPINOSA my number.

"Kay I tried not to scream it was so hard oh my gosh" I was still rambling on "Shouldnt you be watching your phone for a text?" She asks me "Oh my gosh your righ!"

I looked at the time and it was 6PM "Kayla! We can go home now" I yelled to her. She came out 5 minutes after and we drove home. We had nowhere to go tonight so we decided on a movie night. Halfway through rewatching all of The Fosters seasons I got a text

Random number: Aye its Matt ;)

Me: Hey Matt :)

Matt: Sooo what are you doing tonight

Me: Nothing movie night with my friend Kayla why?

Matt: Well the guys and I dont really have anything to do tonight soo I was wondering if we could come over maybe...?

"OH MY GOSH" I screamed from beside Kayla and she flinched "Tf man?" She yelled "THE BOYS WANNA COME OVER!" She didnt even say anything she just ran upstairs trying to get ready because it was supposed to be girls night we had tanktop and shorts and messy buns up. Oh forgot to tell Matt yes

Me: Oh yeah sure of course

Matt: Where do you live?

Me: Fallon RD 1242 SW
(Idk if thats a real adress)

Matt: alright be there in 15 mins ;)

I threw my phone and ran upstairs and grabbed my holister jeans putting them on while runnng to find a shirt. I run by Kayla and see she changed into some shorts and a white crop top wth her hair pin straight and pinned back in a twist.

I got to my closet and grabbed a random hoodie knowing I only had like 5 mins left and put it on. I go to the bathroom and put my hair down and brush it. Wow? Straight for once? Huh good day. I run downstairs and sit on the couch my Kayla. "Trying to impress him?" She says smiling What do you mean?" I ask confused and she points to my hoodie and I notice its my Matthew Espionsa hoodie. "Oh my gosh I have to change it he will think im weird!" I go to run to my room but right when I get by the front door I hear a knock.... Shiznits I think to myself as I walk to the door.

I open it and Matt is right in front and as soon as he looks at me he looks at my hoodie and says "I knew you were a big fan" he winks "uhhh" I say "well you guys can come in" I say they all walk in and sit down I notice that Cam took my spot next to Kayla. Which I don't complain I know shes a huge fan so shes happy. But there is no other spot because our big couch has Hayes and Nash on it I know crazy they took up the whole couch right? Anyway Kayla and Cam are on our 2 seated couch and Matt is in the big chair im usually in.

Matt looks at me a "you can sit here I dont bite you know that right?" He says laughing in my head I was thinking yeah because that was the first thing I thought right? "uh yeah I was just um going to look and pick out a movie.. what movie do you want?" I said shyly man this boy is making me more shy than I already am. He stands up and looks through my movies so I take this chance to sit in my chair. "Pitch perfect?" He says as a question "YASS" Kayla and I both yell then start laughing. "Pitch perfect it is then" Matt says laughing.

He puts in the movie in and stands by my chair "could I sit with you?" He asks "Hmm I dont know im pretty comfortable" I say kidding "Oh I guess I could just sit on you then" he says and then sits on me "Matthew Lee Espinosa get off of me" I try to sound like a mom and he gets up laughing and I scoot over for him.

Half way through the movie I think what if matt likes me in the future that'd be cool.

No no no he could never come on now your just a fan.

My mind tells me and its probably right hes probably just bored so hes talking to me.


I look over at Ashly and notice her thinking she looks like she is having a conversation in her head with herself again she does that alot when shes thinking hard. But can we just talk about how im sitting by Cameron Dallas I mean I knew he was hot but Zayummm is he way more hot in real life and hes really sweet even thought we have only talked a little bit so far hes great.

The movie starts to end and I notice Ashly fell asleep on Matts leg. Oh man I guess I should wake her up she'd kill me if I let her accidently drool on Matthew Espinosa. So I go over to her and wake her up Matt just watches me and she wakes up "hey Ash the movies over" I say quietly because Nash and Hayes fell asleep litterally 4 minutes into the movie. "Oh? Did the boys leave?" She asks and Matt chuckles "Nopee still here" he says and she jumps "gosh you scared me" she laughs "hey Matt im tired and Hayes and Nash fell asleep I think we should leave" Cam say. In my mind I sigh sadly.

"Yeah sure man but im not carrying them" Matt says Cam and Matt look at eachother and both start to laugh.

Ashly and I look at eachother confused. "You guys got any coolaid??" Asks Cam "Uhh yeah I think so yeah why" I say really confused "Is there red?" Says Matt "yeah" says Ashly gettiing up telling Matt to come.


I walk into the kitchen with Matt.

"Sooo what are you guys gonna do to them" I ask curious "Well they are both heavy sleepers so we are going to put red coolaid powder on there faces and then poor water so it stains red" he says laughing as I hand him the coolaid packet and some water. He walks in and gives a packet to Cam and then they both slowly poor it on then I give Cam the other cup and Kayla and I back up because we have seen some vines of them when they do things to mess with eachother and I dont wanna get ran over.

They both count to 3 and poor the water and I watch as both of the boys get up and scream.

Its then that I notice we have a light colored couch and lets just say we need a new one. The boys calm down then ask if they can get showers I say sure.

So Matt Cam Kayla and just all start talking while they take a shower. "So you guys are fans?" Cam says "well im a fan of both of you its just i've always liked Cam a bit more" says Kayla "Im a fan of both to just i've always been more of an Espinosa girl." I say blushing "If you wanna know the truth when we were both like 13 we claimed you guys so Kayla couldnt have Matt and I couldnt have Cam" I say laughing we were so stupid.

"Thats cute " they both say laughing "But we are older now and know we cant own people" Kayla says laughing and I laugh to.

Hayes comes down from my shower and Nash was in the guest one and he says thanks Nash soon walks down and says thanks to I say no problem as I try not to laugh because they both still have coolaid stains on there faces.

"Welp we better get goin" says Matt and Cam gets Kayla's number. "We will text you guys later and we can hang out again sometime soon" says Cam "Yeah that was fun" says Matt "Thanks for coming over" We both say as they are leaving.

"Wow" is all Kayla says as we walk upstairs "I know right" I say laughing. We are basically living out 14 year old dreams I think to myself. Besides the dating part. "Goodnight" we say as we go to our rooms. I get into my tanktop and shorts and lay down today was a fun day. I think smiling.

*** Thanks to the like 20 people who read this :)

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