Car Crash D.S

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Daniel is 30 mins late, where could he be? You sat on the couch with a grey fluffy blanket around you. You felt incredibly uncomfortable because Daniel always used to be home around 8:00 to give you an infinite amount of cuddles as you watched Netflix and ate ice-cream but now it's 9:00. You kept on waiting and waiting and it finally got too much to handle.

 You called Jonah but he wouldn't respond. Your mind threw to the worst possibilities. Jonah never misses a call, the last time he missed a call was when he lost his phone. Panicking, you stumbled over Jack and Zach's numbers calling once. Calling twice but there was no answer., Your shaking fingers hovered over Corbyn's number. Maybe they... maybe their phones went flat. That's probably it...

As your mind was racing your phone rang before you could touch the big green call button.The User Id flashed. It was Eben.


"Hello, Eben. Did they lose their phones?" You ask, attempting to hide your worry, hearing rushed breaths down the phone. Your heartbeat raced.

"Y/N.... You need to head down to the hospital..." Your heart leaped into your throat.

"Eben, EBen . What is going on! WHAT HAPPENED TO THEM!!!" Your breaths increased in frequency as you searched for your keys. Phone on shoulder.

 "They..they...." Eben started before bursting into tears. Not helping your worry.

 "Eben, WHAT HAPPENED." You ask desperate for the news. You'd finally found your keys and was running out the door. 

"..they...they were in a car crash" Eben manages to mumble out before contniuing to cry

.You stood there silent for a moment. Your brain having paused. Eben's got to be kidding me. He's got to be. Eben.. He wouldn't joke about something like this. Would he?

At that thought your brain rebooted. And your rain towards your car, leaving the front door barely closed and the gate wide open.

 Fumbling for your keys. Your car opens. 

 "Eben, I'm coming. Which Hospital Is it?" Jabbing your keys into the ignition the car starts.

"Rosewood" He says, You can barely make it out between his tears.Upon hearing the destination, your race off. Barely make it there without a single crash. 

 Arriving at the hospital, You slam the door of your car. Not even locking it. Running out of the Carpark to the front of the hospital.Barely holding back tears now. Eben tells you to come to the receptionist where he is waiting for you.

 Tears, start to stream down your face as you rush at Eben. 

 "What happened!!!" You cry holding onto him.His tears have stopped. The initial shock over for him. He rubs your back as you hug him. Murmuring comfort. 

"It'll be okay. He'll be fine. This way Y/N" he murmurs as he guides you to the rooms where the rest of the band is waiting.A nurse comes up to stop you. 

 "Excuse me, Please wait your turn." the lady said politely, blocking the way."This is Daniel Seavey's Girlfriend. I just came down from the rooms." Eben replied comforting you. 

"I see, go right ahead. Just.." The nurse was about to say something before she waved the two of you through.

You soon reached the boy's room. You looked, once, twice, thrice across the white washed room but there was no sign of Daniel. All you could hear were the beeps of the machines from nextdoor rooms and the pitiful breaths of those asleep. You cry out his name in hope, in pitiful, sorrowful hope that he is hear and fine. 

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