Chapter 1

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Dear journal, I never knew that touching metal would get me into this situation. I never knew that it would crash down on me like this. Just please, if anyone is reading this, know that I never meant for anyone to get hurt. Just let me explain, from the beginning. Read on, if you dare. You see, I have this thing called ADHD. ADHD is a behavioral and learning disorder. It makes it harder to count, control myself, and lots of other stuff. I am always active, and restless, and constantly getting into trouble. Like now. Again.

I also have this weird thing where I like to touch any metal. It is because occasionally, I touch metal by accident, and get 'zapped', to quote my Mum. Because of this, I hate to go down slides,(not including water slides) because of the static during it, and the shock afterward. (and don't even get me started on lightning storms) I try not to make it obvious that I am touching metal since people already think I am weird enough as it is. I don't want people talking about me behind their backs more than they already do.

Another thing you should know about me is that I eat the sleeves of my shirts when I am nervous. It is a weird habit that I have, I know, but I can't stop doing it! It is too addictive. Every day, I come home, and there are so many holes in my sleeves. Once, when I had a test that I had not prepared for, I almost ate the entire sleeve! My classmates teased me for weeks and called me 'no sleeved', or 'sleeve devourer'. I was so mortified I flipped out, and screamed, "STOP IT! JUST STOP IT!".


Dear journal, I am very sad and angry right now! My Mum and Pop just sat me down for a talk. They said sometimes, people aren't who you think they are, and that they were not happy together anymore. They then said that they were going to get a divorce! I looked that up, and it means 'the official and legal ending of marriage'! I think it also means that my life is about to change for the worse! I am too upset to write anymore tonight!

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