chapter 5

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Dear journal, it happened again. We were playing lava monster in pe, and I accidentally touched metal after tagging someone on the slide again. I felt the same weird shock, but a little bit differently this time. This time it felt like pure energy was coming to me.That is the only way I can think of to explain it. I could see it, too. It was like a little blue ball of pure energy. I tried to point it out to some of my friends, but they couldn't see it. I don't know how they missed it, it was so bright. Maybe, just maybe, magic does exist.







Dear journal, Pop said that now that I'm the woman of the house, I'm going to have to be taking my share of the work, like cooking and cleaning. I don't know how I feel about this new arrangement. I have already prepared dinner, cleaned most of the house, and washed our clothes. It was so weird, doing all the chores that I would only help Mum do. I don't think I like being the woman of the house. I am worried because if I don't finish all my chores before he gets back, Pop gets mad at me. That is the door, got to go.


Dear journal, Mum told me I had to unpack today, no excuses. So there goes my idea to tell her I'm a superhuman freak. She would just think that I am trying to get out of unpacking. So I unpacked all day, except for a few bathroom breaks, where I would sneak you, journal. I am hiding out in the bathroom right now, as I write this. Mum might think I am having problems. Got to go back to unpacking now. Write you in a bit!

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