chapter 3

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 5- 18- 1945

Dear Journal, I love Mum's house so much! It's so big, and sunlight streams through every gleaming window! My room has lavender walls and a hanging crystal chandelier! Of course, they are not real crystals, but it's still cool. Mum said that if I want to, I can have a whole shelf of magnets! All of her neighbors are so nice, and they have brought us so many pies and pastries, that it could last us the next month. I'm still unpacking since it has only been a day but Mum said that I could have the day off to go outside, and make friends with her neighbors, and see if there are any children or any other things I can do. This is so much better than how it used to be! I hope Pop's new house is as good as this new house. I will give you another update tomorrow on how Pop's house is.

5- 19- 1945

Dear Journal, I totally flipped out today! I know I haven't been completely honest about how I act, and how ADHD affects me. Sometimes, if I don't take my pill, it can make it so that if I get mad, I can't control myself as well, and I really hurt people. It's scary for me, and them. Why I flipped out is because somebody was teasing me about the way I dance, and I slapped them as hard as I could, across the cheek! I apologize profusely, but they were scared of me for the rest of the day. I feel so bad about it now, and I got in so much trouble, which I deserved. I hate myself when I get like this. I know I can't blame it completely on ADHD. It's mostly me. I've been working on it since kindergarten, and I thought it was getting better, but these past few weeks have been getting worse. Maybe it's because of the divorce? Or maybe I've just been getting worse and forgetting all the stuff I was taught since kindergarten.

5- 20- 1945

Dear journal, I'm so sorry! I promised that I would tell you about Pop's house yesterday, but I forgot! I will tell you about it now. It is not as great as mom's house, but it's still cool. It's so small, it only has one bedroom that I have to share with Pop. By the way, he snores. Pop said he lost his metal tools, and I found them floating in the barn. I didn't tell Pop that his tools were floating, though. The house is so old, there's an outhouse. An outhouse is an outdoor bathroom. There's also a small kitchen, a living room, and a big, big, field around it. It's more like a farmhouse than a real house. There's even a barn! It is super late, so I need to go catch some shut-eye.

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