Chapter 18.

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         "POV TOM"
         For the next five days, I didn't hear anything from Zendaya, she didn't even update social networks.  No, of course we exchanged a couple of messages a day, but I would not consider it as a real conversation.  The only thing I know is that she is now with her family in Oakland, and even she herself does not know when she will return.  During these days I have already really missed this cute, cheerful little person.  I literally didn't know what to do.  Since Zendaya came into my life, all I have done is try to pay her attention to myself.  Apparently, I did it, but I don't understand who we are to each other.  There is nothing close in our relationship except those few kisses.  Anyway, do they mean anything?  Or just an impulsive feeling of desire?  No, kisses are not given out to everyone, perhaps she still likes me.
      The phone distracted me from thinking.  More precisely someone.  The phone rang with an incoming message.  Unknown number.  I wonder who it is?  I unlocked my phone and started reading the message.

       "Tom, hello!  How are you doing with Zendaya?  I heard about what happened.  Hope all is well.  Can you come up to the show today?  Love, Ellen."

      Damn it!  I completely forgot!  Ellen has moved her release with us to this day!  What a horror, I have to go out any minute, but I haven’t even washed my face yet.

       "Hello!  I don't know, about Zendaya, she went to her family in her hometown, but I definitely will!" I quickly typed a message, pressed the "send" button, threw the phone on the sofa and ran to pack.

      While I was preparing, I thanked God a thousand times for me borning as a boy.  Don't get me wrong, girls just drip for a long time.  They are already beautiful, I don't understand why they are hiding behind makeup.
      I washed, combed and dressed in thirteen minutes.  The only problem is that I cannot find the phone.  I clearly remember throwing it on the couch, but now it's nowhere to be seen!  Not on the floor, not around the sofa, not inside it.  Everything is empty.  What holy spirit needed my old eighth iPhone?
      Outside the window, I heard the sound of gravel from the wheels of an approaching car, and then a sharp but brief beep.  Forgetting about the phone, I jumped out like crazy, barely closed the door of the house and broke into the car.  Jacob was already inside in the back seat.  I flopped down next to him and the chauffeur took us to the show.
      With Jacob, we already had time to discuss the situation that had happened, so he did not ask unnecessary questions now, and the chauffeur simply could not let himself to ask this, for which I was grateful.  The last thing I wanted right now was to discuss this awful night.
      I spent most of the trip looking at my phone, trying to find the slightest sign from Zendaya.  Will she come to the show or not?  This is my first time on television, and I would be calmer with her, she is already experienced in this regard.
      As soon as we turned into the parking lot in front of The Ellen DeGeneres Show, our car was already surrounded by paparazzi.  The guards immediately began to clear our way, but the obsessive paparazzi did not lag behind.  They clicked their cameras, blinding us.
      Entering the building, Ellen herself greeted us with a kind wide smile.  This is our first meeting and my first impression of her is already positive!  She walked Jacob and me to our dressing rooms and left us to get ready for the broadcast.
      Going into the dressing room, I looked around.  How well everything is arranged here!  Furnishing in modern style!  A dressing table with a mirror opposite the door, floor hangers with beautiful sparkling outfits, a black sofa, very soft in appearance!  Honestly, I would love to live here!
      Finding on a hanger an ordinary black suit with a white shirt and a bow tie with my name written on it, I pulled off my shirt.  Just at this moment, the door swings open and she appears on the threshold.  We look at each other with wide eyes for a couple of minutes, then she mutters something to herself and leaves the dressing room, closing the door behind her.  I instantly come to my senses and run after her.

      "Hey hello!" I say breathlessly.
      "Hey Tom, how are you?" does she answer?
      "Why did you leave? Come in!"
      "Well, you are ... a little naked."

      I examined my naked torso. Then I ran into the dressing room, quickly pulled on his shirt, and returned to the corridor for her.  This time the girl agreed to stop by.

      "Zendaya, how are you?" I did not calm down.
      "All is well."
      “I thought you weren’t coming,” I said, pointing to the sofa with my palm.
      “I couldn't miss your first TV show,” she said with a grin, sitting down on the sofa.
      "You look very beautiful."

      Zendaya wears a long, tiered dress in purple with sequins to showcase her graceful figure.  In the light, the dress glittered, adding even more charm to her glowing skin.

      "Thank you, I would like to tell you the same, but-" She looked me up and down and laughed.  I did the same.

      Embarrassed, I hid behind an open closet door and finally put on my entire suit.
      Just at that moment a cameraman comes in and asks us to go to the stage.  The broadcast will start in 5 minutes!  I cannot express in words how nervous I am.  My voice became quite squeaky with nerves, which made everyone around me laugh.  Zendaya looked absolutely confident and tried to cheer Jacob and me up.
      When Ellen called us on stage, the audience burst into applause!  I got goosebumps all over my body.

      "Tom, Jacob, I am honored to have you here.  This is your very first appearance on TV! Very soon you will become world stars, and my show will have a new achievement!"

      At first I felt tense, Ellen even noticed that my hands were shaking.  At the end of the broadcast, I already felt quite comfortable and with might and main threw jokes and talked about my life.
      Suddenly, a photo of Zen and me kissing at a picnic appeared on the large screen.  The whole hall shouted in a voice: "Oh" with emotion.

      "So, everyone is concerned about this question.  Are you two dating?" Ellen raised her eyebrows and widened her lips in a broad matchmaker smile.

      I was taken by surprise.  I didn't know what to say.  Sweat ran down my body again, my hands began to shake again.  I don’t know who Zen and I are to each other, and I don’t have the faintest idea what to say to Ellen now.

      "Yes!" Zen screamed, and the whole room burst into applause again!
      "You heard that! TomDaya is real!  Tom Holland and Zendaya are officially together!!!" Ellen screamed at the top of her lungs.  Jacob smiled.  The whole audience got to their feet and continued to clap.  I caught Zen's eye, she was laughing, and I smiled shyly, but inside me there is a storm of emotions.

Did you like the chapter?  Continued in part 19!

Unexpected love comes to life | Tom Holland + Zendaya = TomdayaWhere stories live. Discover now