Chapter 19.

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        "POV TOM"
        The broadcast ended two hours ago, but our backstage party was still going on.  While we were still in the company of Jacob, Ellen and other employees of the show, I could not talk alone with my beloved girl.  Right near the exit from the building, the paparazzi and fans were already waiting for us.  For the first time I was asked to take a selfie and give an autograph.  I am very touched and honored.
      Soon the same driver drove up.  This time Zendaya joined us.  Jacob sat in the front, and me and my beloved girl in the back.  Everyone was incredibly happy, Zendaya was interested in our emotions and impressions.  We colorfully told her all this.
      Unfortunately, Jacob lives far away from us, so he left earlier too.  Zen and I were alone, not counting the driver.

      "I called you, why didn't you pick up the phone?" the girl asked unexpectedly.
      "When?" I do not remember that someone called me.
      "Before the show starts.  Before I came to your dressing room".
      "Oh, you know", Suddenly I remembered a situation that happened to me at home before the show.  "In the morning I was getting ready in a hurry and threw the phone on the sofa.  When he returned, he was no longer there.  I searched everything around - but in vain, although I clearly remember leaving it in the middle of the sofa".
      The girl burst out laughing: "Tom, you are such a loser, that's my word."  I began to laugh with her at my "luck".  From under my brows, I saw that the driver, too, could not help laughing at this story.  We got to talking with him, and he turned out to be a good person.  James.  We agreed to hang out with him somehow.
      Upon reaching our destination, we thanked our new friend and left the car.  Zendaya kindly agreed to come and visit me.  While I was ordering a veggie meal, she dropped her bag near the doorstep, plopped down on the sofa and turned on the TV.  After thanking the operator, I hung up.  By the way, I called from Zendaya's phone, because I never found mine.  Turning to my guest, I found her crying.  Honestly, I don't understand girls.  At first everything is fine, but after half a minute they are already fighting in hysterics.

      "Hey, Zee, what happened?" I do not know how to hide emotions, everything is immediately visible on my face.  Anxiety this time.
      “I feel so bad, I held out all day so as not to cry,” more tears rolled from her eyes.
      "Honey, why are you so sad?"
      “Do you remember the time Trevor came to me at night?" I nodded.  "Since then I have not seen Noon again.  What if he did something to him?"
      "No!  Don't send bad thoughts into space! Noon is fine, we will definitely find him!!" I wiped the tears from her eyes.
      “I don’t know, Tom.  He hasn't been seen for over a week, I don't know what to think."
      "What if we just call him?"
      "We're not in the movie.  Well, if only some miracle happens."
      "Well, the attempt is not torture", I said and screamed, "NOON!!!"
      Zendaya smiled a little.  There was a rustling sound.  And suddenly Noon appears out of nowhere in front of us.  To say that we were in shock is to say nothing.  Who would have thought that this would actually work!  But what's in the puppy's mouth?  Something small, flat and black.  Looking closer, I realized that this is my phone!  Wow!  Happiness doesn't come alone!
      "Aaaaah, Tom!!!  I can not believe this!!  Thank you very much!!  I didn't think it was that simple!"  This time, Zendaya shed tears of joy.
      I decided to take a moment of happiness and ask who we are to each other.
      “Tom, you gave me back Noon.  I'm all yours now!" Just answered Zendaya.
      Of course, I liked this answer, and I even forced myself to smile, but it seems to me that emotions speak for her, and not herself.
      I turned to her, took a deep breath and bursted out "I like you. Since our first day. Very much."
      Zendaya got serious, and I couldn't help but worry because I didn't know what to expect.  Yes, I have already been rejected by girls and more than once, but they were just a little crush, and for Zendaya I feel true love.
      "The time we kissed for the first time..... Was it really so hard to understand that I like you too?"
      This time, I just couldn't help smiling.  Smile stretched out from ear to ear, and I sat like a jerk and stared at the equally pleased Zen.
      "Well, then we are officially together?"  I asked.
      "Is there another option?" We both laughed.
      I looked into her kind brown eyes, and she responded to my stare.  I have been waiting for this moment for so long!  I bent down to her, took her head in my hands and kissed her gently.  Our first kiss in a relationship!

Did you like the chapter?  Continued in part 20!

Unexpected love comes to life | Tom Holland + Zendaya = TomdayaWhere stories live. Discover now