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I want to see him thoroughly...

As lectures over professor left the room teasing, chuckling , cacophony filled the area. Students started gathering in a group for refreshment and for chit-chat ,some went to canteen area to have some small lunch or snacks.

“Xiao Zhan wait a bit for me I'm going too to canteen” Weiwei stated as Zhan's steps halted there and look beside and hums in response.

In between month of college Weiwei and jia became good friend of him it's not that he's not friendly with others but from the rest of others, both of the girls became a step ahead than others in terms of friendship with him , they started sharing good amount of things related to their college,personal and family related matter.

After waiting for a while they moved ahead together towards canteen to buy and have their lunch , after giving orders for their respected liking they went to certain place after getting their food tray to enjoy their free time.

As they started nomming their consonant Weiwei asked “so how's your munchkin I mean your little brother?... how's he doing with his study yesterday it's his exams right?”

“Ahh!he performed well but...uh! It was good” he replied while gulping his orange juice.

“Is there any problem or something happened to him?... sorry don't get me wrong I am not noisy one but I'll feel glad if you could share anything with me I'll always here to listen it” she said and passes a assuring yet friendly smile to him and again started biting her burger and salads...with the slightest hint in his voice she understood that there is something that he didn't want to share she wants to hear that thing but not by forcing him.

“Actually... Xiao Zhan hold for a second and continued... actually he is afraid of height ...he is acro...acrophobic” Xiao Zhan literally zoomed out while stating that word like he was remembering some old incident “...and yesterday after exam some of his friends pranked him ,as he was on his
classroom balcony leaning in railings after submitting paper, his friends pranked him as they might would push him from there...and he get panicked badly he was screaming in fear and his friends get panicked too after watching his condition because they weren't aware of it... Obviously it's not happened intentionally but... I don't know how to help him out from that fear I'm feeling useless as being his elder brother” he stated as his eyes get soften.

“Ohh how's he now...is he in home?” Weiwei asked to distract Xiao Zhan's bursting feeling.

“Umm...he is fine now and with Mom , Mom received him from his school after that incident and from that moment he is with moment ,in night I slept off with him coj I wasn't there at that moment with him and now again he's with Mom.”

“Everything will alright okk” Weiwei said as trying to lessen the exertion of Xiao Zhan...“hmm..okk.”

“Mnn” he nodded his head lightly.

“So what about you are you afraid of something too or you are strong fierce cute Bunny” she said and chuckles a bit to tease his friend... Xiao Zhan chuckles too.

“Umm...dark and closed places... claustrophobic... I can't stand with closed area and darkness for long” he stated and again zoomed out on that day as he was again feels some bad memory.

“Aiii!okk...okk I'm not interested in your zooming out session for now okk eat your burger fast or I'll snatch it from you” she said to distract him.

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