The next step

707 14 3

(Video has nothing to do with this chapter)

Caroline's POV
We sat there doing nothing but being there with each other, and we haven't said anything for what felt like years.

We were just looking at the view that the balcony showed us. As we were there I started to worry about what Klaus's witch friend would say, so I started to get worried.

"what's the matter, Love?" He asked me with his voice full of concern.
"I am just worried about what your witch friend would say in two weeks," I admitted even though I didn't want to, I just felt safe with him and I could tell him anything, so I did l.

"I understand I am a little perplexed about this as well, I mean I thought I knew everything about wolves, and now this I feel like I have only scratched the surface."

"You thought that you knew everything, I know you a thousand years old but over time wolves would develop so there will always be something that you don't know, I know that you don't like not knowing stuff and I am the same way you just have to admit to your self that you can't always know everything," I told him and I could feel him staring at me, I didn't want to look at him because I didn't know if it was a good reason why he wass staring or he was staring me out If anger about what I had just said.

When I finally looked at him I didn't see any anger in his eyes and that made me feel better. "Yeah I guess you are right," he said. I was so surprised when I heard him say this he never admitted that he was wrong before.
"I am? thanks" I knew that he was now smirking, I didn't have to look at him to know that it was classic Klaus.
"Your very welcome, my Love"
I didn't say anything, but he called me his Love this time and not just Love. I wanted to know what he meant by that but I thought it would be best if I didn't say anything about what he said, and just enjoyed being there with him however long I had left with him before that he had to leave to go back to his mansion, and back to his siblings.

Klaus's POV
I realised about five minutes later what I had just said, and since she didn't say anything about it I thought she must of most it and I was relieved at that.

I was just playing with her hair now with my right hand as my left hand was now resting on her leg. I was so happy when she didn't hit my hand was like that I thought she would.

Once we saw that it started to get dark I knew that we had to head back to the mansion soon and Caroline started to look tired.

So I moved my right and left hand at the same time and picked Caroline up bridal style as she is now resting her head on my chest.

I slowly walked back into Caroline's bedroom and put her under the covers of her bed after I took off her shoes.
"Good night, Love" I whisper even though she wasn't asleep yet. I kissed her on her forehead afterwards.

"Good night Klaus" She whispered back. She gave me a genuine smile, I walked out of her house out of the back door so I wouldn't have to unlock the front door especially because no one would lock it after I left and that would be in safe even is she was a vampire I thought it would be a good idea to keep her safe.

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