District 3

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Cat Callum POV
Oh em squee! I am finally an escort! I have waited for this day for years, I have watched every escort video and perfected everything in front of my family and friends... Oh and the mirror, which loves my performance and everyday I come back.

I wait backstage for the mayor to introduce me to the whole of district three. I am buzzing with excitement as the mayor talks about the capitols being generous by making the hunger games. I just love the Capitol, they are so nice and caring ooh and especially caring, Oh em SQUEE!!! The Capitol are so nice to the districts, especially after that war happened, they forgave the districts. Snow was right, we are showing the districts our generosity by doing the games, if they win they get to live like us!!!

I stroke my whiskers, did I ever mention that I tried to make myself look as much like a cat as possible! The reason I wanted to be like a cat was because of my name, Cat Callum, well my name is. Catherine but I legally changed my name to Cat. I absolutely LOVE CATS!!! Idk why. They are totes amazeballs!!! As I was saying, I start to twist my tail when the Mayor announces me to come up onto stage. OH EM SQUEE!!! I am finally doing this thing!!!

I strut onto the stage purring quietly as I take the microphone from the Mayors hands, I look at all the faces of district three and purr even louder. The crowd holds back giggles as I give them my death stare, they stop abruptly, they don't know if I am mean or nice so they play it cool. "Good morning District 3!" I squeak, I even sound like a cat. "I am going to read out the 2 names then I will tell you about the amazing Capitol, I absolutely love them and you should too!" I purr the last part, about the Capitol. And I mean it, about the Capitol..... They are AMAZEBALLS!!!

I stalk over to the boys bowl "gentlemen first" I purr, looking down the side of the boys and eying a couple of them. I dip my hand into the bowl and swish it around for a couple of seconds, then a couple of the names spill over so I pick them all up and come back to the mic. "Ok D3, can I call you that, I can OK. I am going to say out a couple of names and you are all going to come up here. Then I will say the next instructions later. Ok so we've got Tyler Oley, Charlie Donnahan, Liam Hems, Oliver Korner and Zachery Grander. District 3 there will be no volunteering this year! Great no questions I will move right onto the girls, boys if you would like come to come up to the stage that would be great. This is different with the girls, can I have the cameras off. Yes? Thanks. Ok girls that are allowed to go into the hunger games follow me." I know this place well so I go out a back door with girls that are allowed into the hunger games following me, they stop at the doorway to make sure it's them with the finger print test. Once they are all settled in the mayor walks in from the back with the tinted pink bowl, he places it onto the table next to me.

"This will be different, leave mayor now. Ok he is gone so I will tell you how this works, and if you tell anyone what happened you will be executed by peacekeepers do I make myself clear? Yes good." I tip the bowl upside down and ask for the boys to come out of the back room.

"Ok boys I want you guys to grab a piece of paper one by one and hand it to me. I will read the names out and girls you are going to come up here and stand in a line. Tyler Oley up here now. Ok thanks, um this name is Mia Wentern. Mia Wentern up here now please!" A girl from the 14 year old section walks out and I hear a whimper behind me. I turn around and see Zachery with tears in his eyes. "What is it I don't have time for this" I say to him "sorry it's just that that's my umm never mind" I eye him suspiciously and I repeat myself he finally answers. "I have had a c-c-crush on her since forever." I can see the embarrassment on his face and I lead him up to the bowl and make him grab a piece of paper and I grab it from him. "The name on this sheet of paper is Lola Kalo. Come on up and stand with Mia. Charlie grab one and read it out for us please".

Charlie looks at the bowl and at someone in the 14yr old section, obviously hoping that she doesn't get picked for the games. He grabs a piece out of the bowl forcefully and opens it up and reads the name out to the crowd "Ling Tutsu". A girl from the 12yr old section walks out and stands next to Mia on her other side, she holds Mia's hand and squeezes it. "Ok next the last two boys grab a piece and hand it to me NOW!!!" I screech at the two boys left. They hurry over to the bowl and pick up a piece of paper and hand it to me. "Hanna Kalpik and Sheila Townl" I say reading out the name on the paper, two girl emerge out in a line next to the other girls.

I ask for 5 peace keepers to step forward behind a girl each and tell the girls to stay still, they all look really scared. I push the boys out the room and I turn to the audience and purr to them "This is how it will work I will ask the peace keepers to stab the girls in the backs at the same time and the last one standing, well ok not standing but you know, will go into the hunger games for D3 girls". The audience gasp in horror and shock, I tun to the peacekeepers and nod my head. At the exact same time they plunge their swords into the girls' back and they each let out a scream or sob or gasp in pain. I hiss at them and then one of the girls, Sheila, collapses to the ground. "Medic needed in here" I call out and a man dressed in red comes in and stands there in bewilderment. "Check to see if they are dead when you think they are and the last one you will patch up" I order him, he nods and moves over to Sheila just as Lola collapses and her eyes glaze over and she stops breathing altogether. The doc checks both of their pulses and shakes his head at me, a minute later Hanna falls and takes a short breath and wheezes "tell mum I'm sorry" before she gasps and her eyes close, never to open again. The doc leans down and reaches to her throat and shakes his head yet again. It's down to the two girls holding hands, Mia and Ling. Ling looks at Mia and smiles while saying "I'm sorry Mia you need to win for you and your family". Mia opens her eyes wide and shakes her head vigorously, but that didn't deter Ling as she reached behind her back and pushed the sword further into her back. She lets out a shrill scream which I hiss at and she collapses to the floor dead. "D3's own girl tribute, happy Hunger Games and may the odds be ever in you favour" I say as I hold Mia's hand up. The doc rushes to Mia and immediately starts fixing her up while she just cries looking at Ling's body.

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