Part VII

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Part VII

Their feet touched the ground at Merlin's Gate, the extension of the school's anti-apparition ward. Caprica moved within her bundle, whimpering softly at the discomfort that came from apparating. Her little fingers extended straight. The little white nails poked through the swirl of layers in Hermione's arms. She looked down at the little face with a soft frown.

"Sorry, little one. I know that wasn't nice to your tummy, now was it?" She whispered.

The baby relaxed at the sound of her voice. The pale eyes of the newborn retreated back behind the cover of eyelids.

"How is she?" Draco asked. His voice a loud ring through their ears.

Only what answered him was not the sound of assurance from her lips. It was instead the sound of a few bodies now in motion at their arrival. That was when both of their eyes traveled from the tiny ball in their arms around the room. Sets of eyes examined them. Most were familiar sets they'd seen for years. Two were not.

The long robes and taut expressions spoke to their identities: Aurors. The Ministry had sent Aurors?

Draco's back straightened. He stepped forward, his body a shield between his infant child and strangers.

"What's this then?" He snipped. "Bounty hunters?"

Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape were there, as was Filch. All wore a similar expression of resigned indifference. It was not the welcome Hermione expected upon return. Not that she wanted a parade. It was only that she'd given birth only three days prior for the first time. Her newborn daughter was away from her family so that her mother wouldn't be Obilivated by the Ministry. Some shred of pity or respect would have been nice. Perhaps, a kind smile and a quick escort to a private room where Caprica might be settled?

Professor McGonagall's taut lips pulled back as she started to speak. "Do not be dramatic, Mister Malfoy. They were a mere precaution."

"For what? So that we might be hunted down if we didn't return on time?"

The biting tone in his voice was powerful. It might have hurt if she'd been on the end of it.

Instinctively, Hermione pulled Caprica closer to her chest. Eyes shifted about. She felt tension rise up through her body. Awareness of her wand pushed forefront to her mind as it rested in her side pocket.

"It is the law," one of the Aurors barked.

Hermione slowly shifted the weight of her precious baby bundle into one arm. The intensity of the room had her on edge. She needed one hand open to grab her wand. It was irrational, she recognized that. Ministry Aurors would not attack her for fulfilling her agreement. She returned to school. They wouldn't do that. Still, the harsh gaze in their eye did not settle her anxiety. Caprica settled within the crevice of her arm, cradled against Hermione's body, with a relaxed sigh.

"The word of the family Malfoy is as good as law," Draco barked back. "My father is a member of the Wizengamot for Salazar's sake!"

"They are not here for you, Mister Malfoy," Professor McGonagall replied flatly. Her beady amber eyes revealed just whom she meant. The witch behind his back. An expression of understanding must have crossed Draco's face because the elderly witch then lifted a brow in response. "Miss Granger is not of Malfoy family and is subject to Ministry intervention if she did not return."

It was not like Draco to joust with Hogwarts professors. He was raised better than that. However, the moment of being a new father in a threatening environment left him rather unlike himself.

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