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You:I need to know why you need our help before I do ANYTHING
Thor:doctor doom is now a concern of the midguardians him and he has teamed up with leader the fantastic 4 tried to keep him at bay but he is back
Loki:is it dangerous
Thor:is any mission we do ever not
Loki:okay...how is Pepper and Morgana doing after Tony
You:what happened
Thor:Tony stark sacrificed himself for all of us...how do you know this Loki
Loki:I have been watching over you
Thor:of course you have...they are doing fine Morgan is a strong little mortal
You:she sounds amazing...I am in
Loki:no you arent
You:I am sorry but last I checked I make my decisions
Loki:what if you get hurt
You:and thousand of people could die because of a monster
Loki:I was a monster
*Loki leaves the house*
Thor:not to worry he is a brooding type...you must answer me truthfully...do you have romantic relations with him
You:yes...I think
Thor:well dont he doesn't know love
You:and you do?
Thor:I will be off come to the palace at 9 o'clock tonight okay?
You:yes okay...I need to find Loki
Thor:be careful
*Thor leaves*
You:where could Loki be...the mountain that overlooks the entrance to Vallhalla...for his mother thats the only place I can imagine he could be
*you leave the house in your short sleeve top and black jeans*
*you get into town*
Juliana:have heard about Andreus
You:sorry I dont have time for this I need to go
Juliana:you are never around anymore
You:and I am sorry I just have alot going on
Juliana:sure just go
*you are at foot of the mountain*
You:lord that is really high...but if I can make water surely I can make ice
*you focus your mind on ice lifting you up and it finally works*
You:I am actually doing it
*you eventually reach eye level with Loki*
Loki:look who can use her powers
You:I am sorry i just wante--
Loki:no i am sorry...you were the only one except my mother who didnt look at me like a monster
You:you are no a monster
*you pull Loki onto your ice platform*
Loki:Getting rather good at this arent you
You:can we go and help Midguard
Loki:if it is too risky we are going home
Loki:I just cant lose you
*there is a silence for a moment*
You:pretty sunset is it not
Loki:not as beautiful as you
*loki pulls you closer by your waist*
*you lips brush slowly against eachother*
You:I love you infinite
Loki:love you infinite and 1
You:we are so fucking cheesy
Loki:remember your language little miss
You:sorry dad
Loki:you cant use that one
You:I guess not...we need to go to the palace immediately
Loki:well can you use your ice power thing and fly us there
You:well that's one way of putting it
*you use your powers to pave a way straight to the palace*
Loki:well I guess it's just a walk along this path...shall we
*loki holds out his arm...and you link your arm in his*
*you both slip over and slide down the slope*
You:this is really fun...but we are going to die
Loki:no we wont
*Loki grips onto your hand tightly*
*the slope ends at the gates of the palace*
Thor:good journey?
Loki:shut up brother
Thor:I see your powers are quite useful y/n
You:I am going to have to agree with Loki
Thor:right when the ship lands dont touch anything...peter quill is a rather disgusting thing
*you frown at Loki...he laughs*
Thor:am I interrupting something
You:no no carry on
Thor:oh and dont call the raccoon a raccoon
You:there is a RACCOON
Loki:I wouldn't question anything
Thor:and also just dont touch Peter
You:oh right yes I know he is disgusting
Thor:there they are...and loki keep your eyes off of Gamora
Loki:I only have my eyes on one person
*Loki looks at you with love in his eyes*
Thor:on mission relationships mean nothing okay it's too dangerous
Loki whispers:I dont care you mean everything to me
*thor rolls his eyes*
Thor:and there they are now
*a huge ship lands next to the palace*
Thor:and remember I am in charge not that puny demi god okay
*the door opens to reveal a pathway into the ship*
*you see a man standing in the door way*
You:is that him
Thor:unfortunately so
Quill:i am your lord and saviour
Quill:shut up dip shit
Loki:what does that mean
You:I wouldn't worry about it
Quill:come aboard my mighty ship
Quill:just come here man
*you all board the ship*
Rocket:hey pretty lady
You:no thankyou
Gamora:hi good to have another girl on the ship
You:I thought you were dead
Gamora:I was brought through the multi verse
You:I have no idea what that means
Quill:dont worry neither did I
*you hold out your hand for her to shake it*
*she doesn't*
You:and who is this little guy
Rocket:this is baby groot...groots son
*you turn to Loki*
You:that is adorable
Loki:I guess so
Quill:so what's your name
Quill:cool cool cool and what are you like a magic person
You:well I found out my dad is Poseidon and my mum is Astrape goddess of electricity
Quill:cool my dad was a God too but like I had to kill him
Quill:it was like a big thing
Thor:I forgot he is incredibly competitive
Quill:oh shut up you space person
Drax:and I am Drax
You:so sorry I didnt see you
Quill:he thinks if he is still enough he can become invisible
You:and this
Mantis:and I am mantis
You:hello there
*mantis touches your head*
Mantis:you are nervous
You:what is she doing
Quill:she knows your emotions or something
Loki:shes umm staring at me
You:I think loki is scared
Loki:no I am not
Quill:anyway here are the rules...i am in charge and well that's it
You:oh really
Quill:yes really
Rocket:okay okay ladies y/n have you ever been to space
Rocket:good luck

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