~ Chapter Five ~

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Not me being lazy with updating again, what?


I'm in the middle of class and have free time, so why not write?

Btw, this chapter is about a week after the last one. Switching POVs in this one :) I'll put a little note when I switch.


Clay was walking down the hall, absentmindedly humming to himself as he got to his locker. He opened it and exchanged books out when someone came out of seemingly nowhere and shoved his shoulder slightly.

"Boo!" A familiar voice said to his left. Clay smiled, then looked down at his soulmate, who was beaming at him.

"Hello," The taller male greeted. "What's made you so happy today?"

"What, can't I be happy to see my c-friend?" George's eyes widened the slightest bit but continued smiling as if nothing happened. Clay thought nothing of the slip-up but turned, closed his locked, and leaned against it.

"Wh- I mean- Y-" Clay struggled. "W-well, I'm happy to see you too, George!"

George's smile seemed inhumanly possible to brighten, but somehow it did. Clay decided at this point he would never let anyone hurt him nor ruin their time together.

...Except the bell, which had just rung. They didn't have the next class together, so they bid farewell and went on their way.


Switching POVs here


Dave sat in his seat, waiting for Clay to come to class. He remembered the first day of school when their friendship started. He couldn't believe that he was about to end it. He couldn't believe that Nick would make him do this. He couldn't believe he was almost thrown off a building. Yet here he was.

Dave dropped his head from where he was, propping it up on his hand onto the desk. He wanted to cry, but he knew he couldn't. He couldn't fuck this up, or else Nick could do something worse than threatening people. He didn't know what was going on in his head, but Dave knew not to fight it. Nick had given him a plan he needed to execute, starting with ignoring Clay when they would typically talk all class. And that's precisely what he was going to do, whether he liked it or not.


Little TW ahead: Mentions of death (Only in one sentence)


I mean, Dave reasoned with himself. Wouldn't Clay be happier with me stabbing him in the back instead of thinking I'm dead?

He knew it was no way to justify what he was doing, but he had to stay somewhat optimistic, although he wasn't sure how to be at this point.

Speaking of Clay, the American walked in at that point and waved at Dave, who dropped his gaze to a notebook on his desk. The pink-haired male saw Clay's hand lower slowly and his smile to droop slightly as he continued over.

"Hey, you okay?" Dave shrugged, grabbing his pencil and writing down "to-do list items" to make sure he looks busy. "Okay.." Clay made a face and got his things out as well.


As soon as class ended, Dave was up and out of the classroom. Clay watched with a shocked expression, slowly getting his stuff together while still staring out the door. He shook his head, blinking a few times, then packed up at an average speed before exiting the classroom.

Classes passed, and lunchtime approached. Clay sat down and waited for his friends to come, only to have some younger kid stride up to him and take the seat next to him.

"...uh," Clay started, putting his stuff down. "Hi?"

"Hi. Is it true that you slept with some girl after you met your soulmate..." She paused her word spat at his shocked expression. "You are Clay, right?"

"Yeah. Who are you? And where on Earth did you hear that?" He didn't care that he was getting offensive. He only cared that someone tried to insult George indirectly.

"Well, I'm Mary. And I heard from Sarah, who heard from Matthew, who heard from Lily, who heard from Noah, who heard from Elizabeth, who heard from Knox, who heard from Dave, who heard from someone else, I'm not sure who, that you met your soulmate and immediately slept with some girl. I heard something about your soulmate being a boy? Or annoying? I'm not sure..." She kept talking, ignoring, or not seeing the annoyed to shocked to an angry expression that had appeared on Clay's face.

"-Hey, who was the last person you said you heard it from? The one, uh... Knox...? Heard it from?" He interrupted, earning a slight glare, which he never saw, as he was looking across the room at Dave.

"Oh! Yeah, that was Dave. He may have started it, not sur-"

"Okay, thanks!" He shoved her away slightly as he quickly got up, storming his way over to Dave, and grabbing him by the collar, earning a yelp from a younger student he was talking to, Tommy? Clay wasn't sure; he didn't really care, as he lowered his voice and got close to Dave's face. "We need to talk." He stated, releasing Dave and shoving him slightly as he huffed and walked out onto the outside lawn.


Dave took a deep breath, getting into character, and shoving his anxiety away to deal with later when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He glanced over at Wilbur, who had stood up and given him a small smile. Dave forced a smile back and nodded before following the fuming American.


Clay stood outside, waiting impatiently with his arms crossed when the door opened behind him. He turned, seeing the pink-haired man following out with an unreadable expression.


"Wanna explain why you're such an ass today?" Clay interrupted. "Or those stupid rumors?"

Dave shrugged, taking a brave step forward and looking at the green-eyed male in his darkened, narrowed eyes. "I guess I just felt like something..."

"Something what?"

Another shrug. "You're kinda... how do I say this..." Dave glanced to the side, smirking and pretending to think. "You're bossy. Braggy. You want everyone to see how great you are... or is that really the issue here?" The man narrowed his eyes too, staring once again in the other's eyes. "Maybe it's George you want to show off for? Having trouble in paradise, my friend?"

Clay scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Hah, as if. I mean, who do I need his attention fr-"

"Nick. You're jealous of Nick. You've known it since you found out and are scared he's gonna take your princess aw-"


Dave held his face where Clay had struck him, slowly turning to glare at him.



NO, this didn't take me three weeks to write-

ANYWAYS. Stuff is happening now, so that's cool. I'll try to actually update now :)

1111 Words

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