~ Chapter Three ~

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I am so sorry this took so long. I've been extremely busy lately, so thank you for your patience :3


"So. Who is it?"

Clay saw where this was going. He gave the pink-haired man a pleading face, only to get a triumphant smirk in return.

Well, this will be fun. Clay thought sarcastically as he moved the first pink sticky note off to the side as he tried to focus on taking notes for class. Or, more attempting to. Dave didn't make it easy, as he softly slapped another sticky note on the paper. Clay groaned, putting his head on the table, only to feel the other slap a sticky note on the back of his neck.

"Ow," Clay whispered, sitting up and glaring, only to get yet another stupid pink sticky note.

Over the class period, Clay ended up with the entire stack of sticky notes that the pink-haired man had with various phrases on them.

"So, who is it?"

"Who is it?"

"C'mon, man."

"Just tell me :)"



A doodle of a pig.

"Who is it?"

"You'll have to tell me eventually."

And so on and so forth.

There were about 5 minutes left of class, so Dave made the excellent decision that Clay was ecstatic that Dave made.

He took out a Sharpie and started writing on the arm closest to him.

Clay zoned out, ignore the pink-haired man, and tried to focus on the teacher, asking himself why he was letting Dave do this.

Finally, the bell rang, and Clay stood up so fast that Dave was still writing and drew a line on his arm on accident, laughing as he stood up and chased after the newer student, who was stomping out of the room.

Clay was grumbling all the way to his locker, Dave still poking him and asking that stupid question.



Dave made a happy face. "You will?"

The other narrowed his eyes, groaning and grabbing the other's arm and pulling him into the nearest bathroom. Clay released him, checking if anyone else was in there, before shoving Dave away, who had started doubling over with laughter.

"If I tell you, you better stay the fuck away from him," Clay warned, voice dropping to a level he didn't know it could and finger pointed at the pink-haired man, who replied by putting his hands up in defense and nodding. The blonde took a deep breath before spitting his name out. "His name is George," The name felt foreign and familiar all at once on his tongue. Clay liked it.

"Which George, short George or fluffy haired, tall George?"

"Probably short George, he's like to my shoulders," (A/N I have no idea if this is accurate, but shh)

Dave breathed out a chuckle. "Woo, I'm not sure to congratulate you or plead for your life, dude,"

Clay's breath hitched, mood dropping instantly. "What do you mean?"

"Well, George has a bit of a reputation under his belt," Clay's eye widened. "Not that type of reputation, don't worry. He's kinda popular, especially with the fuckboys. They all think he's so cute and small, which he is-" Clay shot him a glare. "Sorry! Just telling the truth," Clay made another face, which Dave ignored. "Anyways, George loves to tease them, but will always cut it off before it gets too serious,"

"Interesting..." Clay murmured, lost in thought.

"Mhm," Dave nodded, agreeing. They were silent for a moment until the pink-haired man glanced down at his phone. "I gotta go, I'll catch you later,"

Clay hummed a response, then grabbed his stuff from his locker and started towards his next class.



I would've made this longer, but I really, really wanted to move on. Starting the next chapter right after I post this :) Gonna try to get out the second one tonight, not sure if I'll be able to

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