~ Chapter Six ~

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When I'm writing this, it's the day after I posted the last chapter. Let's see how long it'll take me to write it this time :)

Warning: Violence, cursing



Clay knew that probably wasn't the best idea. He knew that Dave wouldn't just let him go, but he also knew that George didn't deserve to be belittled. And he knew that Dave knew he wouldn't let him say things like that.

Clay opened his mouth to say something, only to be interrupted by a fist coming seemingly out of nowhere. They paused for a moment, Clay reaching up to wipe some blood from his nose when someone ran out and had called back into the room that a fight was going on. In the standard, chaotic manner of the kids from their school, they crowded around and watched the fight. Dave looked around at the crowd, taking a deep breath, before lunging at the other male, quickly bringing them to the ground where they rolled around until Clay ended up on top and punching the pink-haired male senseless, hearing a crack at some point. Just when Clay thought Dave was down, the latter shoved the former and standing up, then decided to kick the boy on the floor in the stomach, said boy getting the air knocked out of his lungs more than once. Just then, Nick ran out of the cafeteria, making eye contact with Dave and giving him a wild smile, before rushing over and grabbing Dave's arms, pulling him slightly away.

"Hey! Hey, big guy," Nick said, his voice dripping in the evil intent those words held. He turned and looked at Clay, lying off to the side slightly and glaring at the pair before getting up. "What's going on? What happened?"

Dave opened his mouth to speak, but Clay pointed the finger at him, pure hatred in his face as he took a step closer. Eyes locked to the pink-haired male's, which Clay could see slight fear in, intercepted.

"This small ding dong, no girls, son of BITCH-"

(Just kidding :) Im so funny)

(But seriously, prepare for a lot of cursing lmfao)

"This asshat of a human being decided it would be a fucking fantastic idea to get all buddy-buddy with me, gaining my trust and waiting for me to throw my walls out the window, then ignoring me like some little scared bitch and spread rumors about me fucking some girl after meeting George?!"

There were some murmurs among the crowd, Clay hearing some confusion and confirmation between people, pausing until people quieted down abruptly, him not seeing why.

"Which is why..." Clay started, raising his bruised knuckles and grabbing Dave by the collar of his shirt and getting ready to punch him again, the latter shoving Nick away before gritting his teeth and holding the hand on his collar, trying to pry it off. "I'm going to fuck him u-"


Everyone went still, Clay freezing, losing his composure, then going limp as he released Dave and glanced at the reason that, he now realized, silenced the crowd a minute before. George stood at the cafeteria door, one hand on the door where the brit had frozen and processed the scene and one over his mouth and lower mouth once the processing had finished. His eyes were full of shock and fear as he looked at his American soulmate, who refused to look him in the eye. George let go of the door and walked over, pushing Clay out of the way slightly and looking at Nick, making sure he wasn't caught in the crossfire, then looking at Dave's injuries once satisfied. The brit hissed and winced at the broken nose. He then turned and walked over to Clay, grabbed his chin softly. At this point, everyone had gotten bored and filed back into the cafeteria, leaving Dave, Clay, Nick, and George to their own devices. George attempted to look over Clay's injuries, but the American moved away from his grasp, still looking at the ground.

"M' fine, George," He murmured, shame filling his voice as he realized what he had done. George ignored him and grabbed his shoulder this time, craning his neck to look at his soulmate with worry and disappointment. When he rolled to stand on his toes, Clay shoved him a little too hard, and he released the shoulder and ended up on the ground. Clay finally met George's eye as he repeated his statement with more vigor. "I said, I'm fine,"

He mumbled something about seeing the competition, then sulked again by beginning to pick on a string on his shirt. George scoffed, standing up and dusting himself off.

"If you say so, tough guy," George said, letting the venom leak from his lips, then he nodded to Dave, getting one in return saying that the boy was alright, before turning and walking back into the building.

Clay glanced back up, thought for a second, then chased after the brit.

"Wait- George-" He called, then slipped through the door.

Nick and Dave watched the pair leave, then turned to each other, one with a horrified face and one ecstatic. The black-haired male raised a hand to the pink-haired male and smiled.

"That worked out perfectly!!" Nick exclaimed. "Oh my god, I can't believe that worked!"

Dave ignored the hand, causing Nick to shrug and clap his hands together in a self-high five, and instead touched his broken nose.

"I'm going to the nurse," Dave said in a faraway voice as he started walking towards the building. Nick followed and went to sit down with some friends. Wilbur found Dave, who was already freaking out and needed to vent. Wilbur hugged him, then directed him to the nurse's office.


Meanwhile, with Clay, he was still following George, who was surprisingly swift. Just as Clay almost caught the slippery Brit, the latter slipped into the boy's bathroom.

Clay slide to a stop then walked into the bathroom and walked over to the only closed stall, leaning against it, then sliding down to sit against it.


"Go away, Clay." The voice was small but demanding.

"Please, George-"



Merry Christmas to those who celebrate and merry almost new years to everyone!

I touched fire instead of writing this...

1052 Words

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