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"Y/N!" Lisa yelled from across the dorm and Y/N groans.

"WHAT!" Y/N yells back.

"HOW MUCH OIL DO YOU PUT!" Lisa was currently cooking, well attempting to cook for both her and Y/N.

"I DON'T KNOW!" Y/N yells and sits up from her bed.

"LISA! YOU'RE LITERALLY THE DAUGHTER OF A DAMN GOURMET CHEF HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW HOW TO COOK!" Y/N said as she got up from her bed and then stepped out walking to the kitchen.

"Y/N, your fat brain literally wanted to eat so I'm cooking for you, now help me." Lisa said and Y/N sighed before helping her.

"You're so damn lazy." Lisa chuckled as Y/N was cooking with her.

"Okay and? I don't work hard, I work smart." Y/N said and then greets Kuma and Dalgom before she returned to cooking. What did they cook that brought all this yelling? Fried eggs for some ramen.

"Since when is smart part of your vocabulary." Lisa said and soon enough, and luckily, they didn't burn down the kitchen and they were eating ramen together while watching the Spongebob movie.

The door opens and the three other members walk inside as Y/N smiled greeting them before she continued to eat.

"Hey nerd, did you feed Joohwangie?" Chaeyoung asks Y/N walking to her as she nods.

"Yeah." Y/N said with a smile while pushing up her glasses before Chaeyoung thanks her and the three then left the living room to go to their own rooms.

"I swear you two are the cutest but also most awkward people I know." Lisa chuckles softly.

"Yeah sorry about that." Y/N shrugged leaning on Lisa and she smiles softly. But as Y/N was getting ready to take a nap, Dalgom jumps onto her lap and Y/N chuckles as she opens her eyes and pets Dalgom.

"You know, sometimes you act like Joohwang and Dalgom's mom more than their actual moms." Jisoo chuckled as she grabbed a snack from the pantry and sat down beside Y/N.

"What can I say, my mommy and daddy issues make great for a supporting parent in me." Y/N smiles and Jisoo sighs rubbing her forehead as Lisa stifles in her laugh.

"Anyways, what are we standing around here for?! It's Chaeyoung unnie's d day today!" Y/N smiled widely and raised Dalgom up in the air. The other members' smiles widen upon hearing about Chaeyoung's solo again. They've waited a long time along with Blinks for her solo to be released and finally, it's happening.

"Have you given her your gift yet?" Jennie asks sitting down beside them and Y/N makes a pft sound with her mouth.

"That old thing? No!" Y/N chuckles softly. The girls look at her surprised.

"Y/N, the gift you got her is that one skeeball token you guys won when you guys first went out." Jennie smiles softly.

"Look it's just a skeeball token." Y/N shrugged.

"No I don't think it was just that." Lisa shook her head and chuckled softly.

"We got the jackpot!" Chaeyoung squeals in delight before jumping and hugging Y/N tightly.

"Yes we did!" Y/N laughed, they were there for over half an hour trying to get the jackpot and they finally did. Collecting the tickets, Y/N then grabs the token given to them by one of the employees and she thanks them.

"Here's for your effort." Y/N smiles handing her the token. Chaeyoung looks at her and shakes her head pushing her hand back.

"You keep it, arcades are more of your thing, nerd." Chaeyoung smiles ruffling her hair and Y/N chuckles softly looking at her.

"Thanks, band kid." Y/N smiles looking at the skeeball token and Chaeyoung's jaw drops and she chuckles pushing her back.

"Hey, just because I played instruments most of my time does not mean I'm a band kid. Plus I didn't even join the band." Chaeyoung smiles and Y/N chuckles.

"Well you fit the aesthetic." Y/N shrugs as she puts the token in her back pocket.

"And you fit the aesthetic of a nerd." Chaeyoung teases as she got closer to Y/N. The other girl looks at her and smiles softly, looking down at her lips before looking back up at her eyes.

"Are we having a moment?" Chaeyoung asked as she looks at Y/N.

"I don't know, are we?" Y/N asks with brows raised.

"Better lose the glasses first." Chaeyoung smirks and walks away.

"Okay Ms. I don't go for nerds because I used to be a cheerleader." Y/N said in a mocking voice.

"Hey I was a good cheerleader!" Chaeyoung said as Y/N followed after her.

"Wanna prove it to me?" Y/N asks standing in front of her.

"Oh since when did the nerd become so bold?" Chaeyoung crossed her arms.

"And since when did the ex cheerleader wondered if she was gonna have a moment with me?" Y/N asks in another teasing manner.

"Let's go to the karaoke booth." Chaeyoung rolled her eyes grabbing her hand and Y/N smiles softly knowing she got the upper hand at that small talk and follows her.

"Yeah you had that whole cheerleader/nerd trope working out for you until you two decided to be best friends." Lisa said and looked at Y/N with anger.

"Hey don't look at me like that!" Y/N turns to Lisa and backs away sitting closer to Jisoo.

"I wanted to learn how to play the guitar! She was my best bet." Y/N said.

"She was also your best bet at being your first girlfriend. Oh wait! She was your only bet." Lisa said emphasizing the only part.

"Okay just because I still haven't gotten a girlfriend does not mean I'm never gonna have one!" Y/N said. They all turn their heads the moment Chaeyoung walked in the room, head down looking at her phone while carrying Hank in her other hand.

"Hey nerd." Chaeyoung looked up.

"What's up." Y/N stood up and walked to the kitchen to grab a snack.

"So you know how I tried to get you a date with one of my friends, Jessica." Chaeyoung said and Y/N nod.

"She said she had to take a rain check." Chaeyoung said and Y/N sighs eyeing the other members and they all look away.

"Actually?" Y/N asks and Chaeyoung walks up to her nodding.

"I'm sorry love but, you're still gonna be single for a little longer." Chaeyoung smiled sadly, ruffling her hair. She grabbed her own snack then immediately after Chaeyoung walks back to her room.

"What did I tell you." Lisa shrugged and Y/N glares at her.

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