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"The Yule Ball, has been a tradition at Hogwarts since the year it was built," McGonagall stated, as she slowly paced the room, scanning the two sides of the room, which were filled with students watching her, some intently, some with boredom.

The boys and the girls and everyone in-between sat mixed in the benches in clusters, whispering to each other as the professor glared at them to be quiet.

"On Christmas Eve night, the students and the staff gather in the great hall, for a night of well-mannered fritholity. I expect each, and everyone of you, to put your best foot forward, and I mean this literally because, The Yule ball, is first and foremost, a dance!" she droned on.

Cherry groaned and rested her chin on her hand, leaning into Fred who stood next to her and George by one of the windows, behind Harry and Ron.

The more excited students started whispering to their friends, probably talking about who they wanted to go with, and what dresses they wanted to wear. Luna had sat next to Harry, and the two girls were glancing back and forth at each other, Cherry rolling her eyes and laughing.

"Silence!" McGonagall yelled, making the hushed whispers disappear. "The house of Godric Gryffindor has commanded the respect of the wizarding world for nearly ten centuries. I will not have you, in the course of a single evening, besmirching that name by behaving like a babbling, bumbling band of baboons!"

Fred leaned towards George and whispered, "Try saying that five times fast!"

He laughed, and replied, "Babbling bumbling band of baboons!"

"Babbling bumbling band of baboons!"


Cherry tuned them out and faced McGonagall again. Normally, she would just face this dance on her own, but this time, she glanced to her right. Maybe she would want a date.

"Mr. Weasley! Would you join me, please," Professor McGonagall suddenly asked, walking over to where Ron sat and held out her hand, to which he slowly stood up, looking at his friends snickering from behind him.

"Hey..," George laughed from next to Fred as McGonagall put her hands on Ron's shoulders and instructing him to put his on her waist, to which he awkwardly obliged.

Cherry was trying not to burst into a fit of laughter, clutching her side as she leaned into Fred, her cheeks tinting a rosier shade of red.

Filch started the music on the massive gramophone looking thing, and the two started to dance as Ron glared at the lot of us, pointing and laughing.

The three of them, Cherry in the middle starting dancing slowly and laughing, Fred closing his eyes and waving his hands back and forth while swaying slowly on his feet to the weird medieval tavern music type shit.

"Oi!" Harry whispered from beneath them. "You're never gonna let him forget this are you?" he laughed.

"Never!.." the twins said, snickering.

"Everyone come together!" McGonagall shouted, finally letting go of poor Ron, who looked traumatized. "Boys! On your feet! Pick a partner, doesn't matter what gender they are, just dance!" she shouted.

Cherry sighed, and looked up at Fred, who was more than six feet tall. "You wanna?" she asked sheepishly.

And to that, which Fred responded with his hands on her waist, and said, "M 'lady."

Cherry blushed as they went out into the open hall where most of the other students were dancing already.

"This sucks," she laughed, holding onto Fred's shoulder's which was a bit tiring for her considering he was six foot three.

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