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Remus woke up that morning after a restless and horrible night of sleep. He'd only gotten an hour, maybe two, of peaceful and dreamless sleep, but the rest of the night was absolute hell.

After Cherry and the twins had left him, he had been a complete mess. Thinking and thinking about what the hell he could do. He had to be there for him, for his best friend, Sirius. He knew that he was just using Cherry, to get out of Azkaban so he could be with Harry, be there for him, because Harry was alone. He didn't have a family, so Sirius needed to be there for him.

And the only way he could do that, was by killing his daughter. It was that, or he gets hunted down by the ministry men and either killed or sent straight back to Azkaban.

Why the ministry offered him this deal? Remus had no idea. Truthfully, Sirius didn't either. But it was because they wanted to power, the blackmail, the threats that he could give them.

Remus went to bed worried, angry, and scared, and woke up exactly the same.


Cherilyn Way woke up the following morning with a pounding migraine in her temples. Groaning, she slowly sat up in the bed, propping herself up on her palms, her hands sinking into the soft yellow mattress.

It was rather late in the morning, the sun's light already shining through the window panes in her dorm room. Looking around, she could see the blankets piled up around her, the room already messy from her last cleaning.

As her eyes adjusted to the sudden light, she thought back to the events of last night. Remembering what had happened, she sighed. She couldn't believe who Sirius really was. She had doubted him from the beginning, but she still had hope that maybe the absence of her father figure would finally be there, and that false hope had crushed her beneath the weight of disappointment and dread that she had done something remarkably and profoundly stupid.

The only person she had in her life to even consider calling father, and she had most definitely ruined that forever, by trying to kiss that one person, Remus Lupin.

Cherry was upset, about everything, that she had not been in the right state of mind and in result of that had made a stupid mistake in nearly letting Remus feel her up, about Sirius being her birth father, and him deceiving her, lying to her, almost attempting to kill her. She was glad that Remus had refused to let himself take advantage of her, and making sure that Fred and George had gotten her back to the dorms safely.

Getting up from the bed, she let her tangled pink hair fall past her shoulders, messy and unruly. Sighing, she looked at herself in the mirror, up and down, and decided, it's time I redo this shit.

Smiling just the tiniest bit, she walked over to her trunk and dug through one of the drawers, finally finding what she was looking for, and pulling out the little box. Opening it, she pulled out the brush and the little bottle, plus some other things from her trunk, and headed to the bathroom.

Half an hour later, she walked out with her hair in a plastic bag, the bright pink dye beginning to seep into her probably damaged beyond repair hair, not that she gave much of a damn anymore after the first round of bleach and purple hair dye.

Looking at herself in the mirror again, she changed into a pair of sweatpants and a crop top, and puled out a bottle of black nail polish. She hadn't done hers in a while, so she thought she might as well, while her hair is under maintenance.

A few minutes later, as she was just finishing up her nails, she heard a knock on the door. Assuming it was the twins, she yelled, "Come in!"

But no, it wasn't both Fred and George; this time, it was just Fred. He was carrying a paper plate in his hands, with a croissant and a mug of coffee in his other hand.

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