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That is all little naruto, at the tender age of 7, knew. This is because all his life he has been hated and scorned by all most everyone who occupied the hidden leaf village. Now he has no idea why he is being hunted or why everyone who glances at him seems to cringe in disgust, All he knows is 'if you want to live, you have to run'.

Naruto POV
I need to find a place to hide, a place where i can rest safely for the night. There are some alleys up ahead, but I haven't memorized this part of konoha yet, there could be dead ends. "STOP DEMON" "WE JUST WANNA HAVE SOME FUN" as soon as I heard them I knew I had to risk it because they sounded a lot closer than they did 2 minutes ago. I see an opening up ahead, I turn and suddenly I'm falling flat on my face. 'Damn rocks!' I curse mentally. When I try to stand up I feel a foot on my back keeping me down and I know I'm not getting out of this one.

Third POV
"We finally caught you demon" the villager leading the group says as naruto struggles under his foot. "Why would you try and run away when we know you have so much fun with us?" Naruto starts tearing up and as they grab his hair to lift him up he says "please not tonight...please just let me have my birthday" this only seemed to enrage the villagers as they throw him across the alley and scream "MONSTERS WHO KILL PEOPLE DON'T GET BIRTHDAYS." This always used to confuse poor naruto before he met kurama. He never had a clue what they were talking about but after meeting the tailed beast for the first time he understood.

~Flashback 5 years prior~

It was Naruto's second birthday and he was currently sitting in his apartment shivering from the cold. You see naruto's apartment had no heat in it because the landlord said "demons don't need heat they can keep themselves warm." So here he is sitting in his frigid apartment, wrapped in as many blankets as he could find and slowly freezing to death.

Later that night the villagers broke in, ransacked his apartment, and dragged him into the woods to beat him.

Suddenly naruto wasn't in pain anymore. He briefly wondered if he had died before he heard a deep rumbling voice call out to him. He asked the voice what it wanted and all it replied with was a short "follow my voice", so that's what he did.

As he was walking the space got increasingly more cramp until naruto, even as skinny as he is, was inching his way down the hall sideways. When he saw a light he almost sighed in relief and started to speed up his inching. When he fell into the open space he took a minute to survey his surroundings, it was a large open space with huge bars going up and down from the floor all the way to a ceiling he couldn't see but he knew it was there. There was murky water at his knees but for some reason he didn't feel wet, and an inky blackness that he couldn't see a foot into behind the bars. "Hello?" He called out after a moment of silence. "I see you've found your way here" said the voice, "who are you?" Naruto called out. For some reason he wasn't the least bit scared of the loud deep voice of this stranger, even though normally he would be quaking in his boots. He felt oddly drawn to the voice, like a familiar presence that he could be himself around. "I'm the Kyuubi no Kitsune who destroyed your whole village and killed thousands of- wait are you even listening?" Naruto in fact was not and the kyuubi just watched as the boy moved forward as fast as he could, with the water up to his knees, towards him. As Naruto was walking he felt the kyuubi eyes on him but he didn't mind he needed to know what he looked like, and as soon as he stepped through the bars he got his answer, but instead of being terrified of the fox that was taller than his jiji's home -which was about 4 stories tall- and had teeth larger than his entire body, he just smiled and walked closer.

Kyuubi POV
'What is wrong with this kid does he not know who I am' I thought to myself as I watched the kid stop for a second before smiling and continue walking. He had to be no older than 2 years old. (Let me explain kurama had been gathering his chakra so he has not been awake the past two years to witness Narutos suffering, he doesn't know about the beatings yet) 'how is he not afraid of me?' Then I felt a sudden warmth on one of my tails, when I turned to look I saw the kid just hugging my tail softly while snuggling into it. "What are you doing?" I asked, he just looked up at me and smiled "what's your name?" He asked, I froze, his voice it was sweet with no hatred or malice laced in, just pure curiosity and excitement. "Did he just ask what my name was" I thought I said in my head but it was actually said out loud. He tilted his head in the cutest way I've ever seen and I almost awed over how cute he looks "what do you mean mister fox I just wanna know your name" he says and without thinking I reply "umm...it's uh...kurama." As I said that I see his face soften even more and he smiled "kurama...I like that name" then he fell asleep cuddling with my tail. 'I like this kid, he's definitely the one the tailed beasts have been waiting for' I think as I lay down and sleep with him.

Flashback over - Naruto POV
The villagers seem very angry tonight, a lot more than usual. It scares me because they're going farther than they normally do in beatings. One of the male villagers shouts something that I can't quite make out, but suddenly I feel myself being dragged from the alley and through the streets. I tried to scream but my voice was already gone from all the screaming I did earlier.

When we arrive I weakly look around and see that we're in the forest of death. Then I feel someone lift up my shirt. No. I don't want this to happen again it hurts so much and I hate it. "Please don't" I say weakly, "not again." The villagers just look at me a burst out in laughter. "The demon thinks he had a say!" One of the shout, "he's even dumber than I thought" shouted another. Then I blackout and wake up in a field of flowers. "Come here kit" I do as told and run up to kura-nii, jump into his soft fur and starts sobbing. I feel kura shift and suddenly I'm being hugged by two human arms, I look up and see kura-nii. "When did you learn how to do this" I asked in shocked curiosity, he just chuckles and replied with "not very long ago, now go to sleep I'll heal your wounds." I nod and fall asleep knowing I'm safe with kura


1315 words

I know the ending was kinda bad and rushed but I was running out of ideas and I wanted to get something out for anyone who wants to read this. Like I've said I'm new to this so it'll probably get better as the story progresses and I get more used to writing for other people.

Please bear with me, Jā        d( ̄  ̄)

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