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(Sorry I changed the cover, but I really liked the photo and thought it was a good match for the story, also I AM SO SORRY FOR HOW LONG IT TOOK ME TO GET THIS OUT)

Third POV - Naruto's clearing
Shikamaru couldn't wrap his mind around it. 'What does he see in Uchiha' he thought over and over trying to come up with a reason for why his best friend, who seemed to be made of pure sunshine, could fall for someone as cold as the Uchiha. After a solid 10 minutes of back and forth with himself he just eventually came to the conclusion that opposites attract.

When he came out of his haze of thoughts he saw that the fox had woken up and Naruto was singing a song to him. Naruto didn't seem to notice his presence, so he sat there and listened to Naruto.

Shikamaru didn't know when the animals got there but by the time Naruto finished his song it seemed like all the animals in the forest had surrounded them. They all looked so peaceful and Shikamaru had to take back his previous statement about the travelers. He had said they were exaggerating, that it couldn't possibly be that peaceful in the forest of death, but now he understands why they were so excited to share the experience. They had heard an angels voice after all.

Naruto looked back at Shikamaru and smiled, "I see you've finally come back to the world" he said chuckling.

"Tch, I wasn't out of that long...was I?"

"You definitely were, you were out for like 15 minutes!" Naruto exclaimed flailing his arms to better display his statement. Shikamaru looked away embarrassed and Naruto bursted out laughing. "Oh Shika," He said as he calmed himself, "its late, don't you think you should start heading back?" Shikamaru looked up at seeing what he was saying. It was completely dark out. 'How did I not notice it was this late? Asuma must be worried' Shikamaru thought, and with a small sigh he stood up and held his hand out for Naruto to take. When he did Naruto whistled startling Shikamaru. "What was that for?" He asked looking at Naruto again.

"I'm gonna ask one of the owls to lead you back so you don't get lost" and with that an owl flew into the clearing, landing on Naruto's shoulder. They looked at each other, talking in their minds, and the owl nodded. Looking over at Shikamaru, Naruto told him to follow the owl by sound.

Time skip - in the village
When Shikamaru arrived in the village it was well past midnight, so he tried to be quiet on the way home. He didn't think anyone would wake up, but he didn't want to alert the patrols.

When he finally made it home he saw his father sitting in the chair waiting for him. "What a drag, how did you know I was back?" He asked with a sigh. Shikaku  looked over his son before replying "I felt your chakra." It was a simple sentence but it had Shikamaru internally beating himself up for forgetting about masking his chakra. "Well" Shikamaru said trying to think of a good excuse, but Shikaku beat him to it, "I don't want any excuses. Just tell me where you've been all day." With a sigh of defeat Shikamaru went on to explain everything, not leaving out a single detail. He knew his father would know if he did. When he finished and looked at his father he looked to be in deep thought, then, without saying anything, he sighed and went upstairs. Shikamaru followed suit and went to his room collapsing on his bed and falling asleep the second his head hit the pillow.

The next day - Shikamaru POV
As I walked through the village I kept a keen eye out for Uchiha. I wanted to talk to him and see what Naruto saw in him because I know that Naruto wouldn't fall for someone's looks alone. 'What a drag he's no where to be found' with a heavy sigh, and after a second of thought, I resigned my fate and thought 'well if you wanna find the Uchiha, go to the fans'

After finding Ino at her mothers flower shop I  spent 25 minutes trying to convince her that I wasn't going to do anything to the Uchiha. Once she seemed convinced she finally told me where he was. I thanked her with a sigh and left. 'Geez girls are so troublesome'

Third POV
When Shikamaru finally made it to the training ground Sasuke was supposed to be at he saw him training. 'Well duh I don't know what I expected him to be doing at a training ground' Shikamaru thought to himself as he sat down and waited for Sasuke to notice his presence.

When Sasuke finally looked at him after 30 minutes of waiting Shikamaru stood up and said with a sigh "if I were an enemy you would've been dead."

"No, I noticed you but I didn't feel like stopping my training for you"  Sasuke said back with a slight smirk. "So what do you want Nara, you're not usually one to talk. Especially to me"  he added the last part after a second of thought and turned to meet Shikamaru's eyes. Shikamaru sighed and decided to not engage in useless small talk "do you know Naruto Uzumaki?" Before he knew what had happened his back was against the tree and he was locked eyes with an angry Uchiha. "How do you know that name?" He asked with barley contained rage, but if you looked a little closer you could see fear in his eyes.

"Woah woah, chill, it was only a question" Shikamaru hastily said, he was running out of air due to the arm pressing against his throat. Sasuke, noticing this, quickly let go. But he didn't stop glaring at the Nara.

"I'll ask again, how do you know that name?" Sasuke asked, this time with less rage and more confusion. Shikamaru thought for second before replying calmly "he's my best friend"

"That's impossible" Sasuke said "he's a figment of my imagination."

"Huh?" Shikamaru asked dumbly.

"I said, he's a figment of my imagination, an imaginary friend I dreamt up when I was a kid" Shikamaru was about to interrupt but seeing the far away, almost nostalgic, look in the Uchiha's eyes he stopped and decided to listen. "he was someone I would think up when I needed someone to talk to. I always thought he was real but my parents said they never saw him and that there was no one named that in the village"

(In this story sasukes parents were kept in the dark about Naruto by the council because they didn't want them to take him in)

"So I just came to the conclusion that he was a part of my imagination. Even if he was an imaginary friend he was always there when I needed him the most, although sometimes I would imagine him covered in bandages and wounds" the last sentence made Shikamaru flinch knowing it wasn't his imagination. "One day I stopped imagining him. I was sad at first but then I figured out that he came to me in my dreams after a really stressful day, although he had angel wings. I guess that's my minds way of telling me to let go of some silly imaginary friend" he said the last part with a shrug but soon after felt a fist connect with his jaw, sending him flying back. When he looked up he saw Shikamaru standing there with his head down and fist extended. "Don't ever call him a stupid imaginary friend. He's as real as you and me," he paused before saying, "if you don't believe me come with me tonight I'll meet you right here at 11" and with that he hopped away leaving Sasuke dumbfounded, with a hand on his cheek, wondering why the normally calm boy who never gets involved in anything felt so strongly about something he imagined. 'Though I'm starting to think it may not be my imagination' Sasuke thought as he stood up, dusted of his pants, and started walking home.

1231 words

Oh my god guys I'm so sorry that I didn't update this story sooner. I was really busy and in all honesty I kinda forgot about this story for a while. I know this chapter is a few hundred words shorter than the others, but I really just wanted to get something out to you guys. Anyway thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed the story so far.

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