Sweet Dreams (Katsuki)

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AN: happy 50k :))

"Hey, I know what you're thinking."

"You don't have to feel that way. You don't have to worry so much. You need sleep, you need rest and time to yourself. Forget about everyone else, about what they have to say. It's not always about having the last word, sometimes it's best to let them have their idiotic way."

"I know it bothers you. I know. I don't want it to be this way, but we don't get to choose the circumstances of our creation. Sometimes it just happens this way. Sometimes life decides to fuck you over. "

"But I do love you."

"I want to be happy with you. I know I'm not really here and I know you think it's stupid to feel this way because of that, but so what? Who cares. I'll be gone when you wake up, but right now I'm here and I'm real for you."

"Right now, I want you to stop thinking about all the reasons you think this is wrong or unhealthy, and just think about what makes you happy. I make you happy right? You make me happy too. You make me so, so happy, because I know that you exist somewhere and that's enough for me."

"I want to know you, more than I already do. I want to hold you and watch stupid tv shows. I want to fall asleep with you and wake up with you still here."

"It bothers me to too, ya know. It bothers me that we don't exist together. It bothers me that I can read and watch you grow and meet new people and go through hardships, but I can't be there. It bothers me that I love someone who is real."

"I know you feel the same way. I know you struggle sometimes, and my presence in your dreams only makes it worse. Probably doesn't help that it's winter, and we can feel each others warmth. This connection is deep, and I want to preserve it before we forget."

"Eventually, we're going to grow older and forget about each other. Don't cry, hey, deep breaths. I love you and I don't want to forget you, and I know you don't want to forget me, but it's inevitable. We will grow apart and forget about each other's existence."

"But I'll show up again. One day when you're old and wrinkly, and I'll lay with my back to yours just like this. And it'll be a cold night, with the thick blankets covering us just like it is now. You'll feel my warmth and you'll want to be as close to me as you can, but you won't be able to move. You won't be able to touch me."

"One day our existences will cross. One lifetime. One universe. It'll be a long wait, or a really fucking short one. I don't know. I don't care. But we'll both be real for each other, and we'll remember. Everything we forgot, this connection we thought was lost, it'll come back to us."

"We won't have to be sad anymore. If you need to cry, it's okay. I'm here for now, and I want you to believe it. I'll come back to you, okay? It's time to sleep, the dream is ending. But I promise I'll come back, one day."

"Can you stay? Just a while longer?"

"I'll stay as long as I can."

"Pinky promise?"

"Yeah, fine. I'll come back. I promise."

"Pinky promise."

"Sweet dreams..."


"I love you."

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