The Morning After

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The aftermath of Dean and Cas making love.



The slight hum of divine energy hovered in the air. It buzzed like an annoying fly, but Dean couldn't get himself to brush it away. It held too much of the memories from last night. Dean smiled into the pillow as he remembered the feeling. How much sweat had been created... how hard Cas's dick was... how completely blissful it had all felt. He felt a jerk in his downstairs area and knew he either needed to control himself now or get Cas to do the night all over again.

Dean rolled over in the motel bed, breathing in the cool air and reaching his hand out to touch the angel. His hand hit nothing but more bed. Dean flicked his eyes open, concern instantly bubbling in his chest. Where had Cas gone? Was last night all just a dream? Why hadn't he felt him get up?  Worried thoughts struck through Dean's mind like flashes of lightning--abrupt and uncontrollable.

"Cas?" Dean called out, his voice hoarse from screaming all night.

"Here, Dean," a familiar gruff voice said suddenly from the end of the bed. Cas materialized from thin air, a small smile plastered on his adorable face.

Dean let out a breath of relief. "Jeez, Cas. You can't just ditch a guy like that."

"I'm sorry, Dean. I only left for a moment." Cas moved over to the empty side of the bed and sank down onto it, once again joining Dean. While Dean was completely naked, Cas had on his overcoat and tie. Dean huffed at the clothing concealing all of the good parts.

Dean furrowed his brows, looking from Cas's lips to his ocean blue eyes. "Where did you go?"

"To get this." Cas lifted a brown paper bag Dean hadn't noticed before. "I wanted to make you breakfast. I got eggs and bacon and-"

Before the angel could even finish, Dean had pulled him into a deep kiss. Dean slid his hands up into Cas's hair and moved back under the coat, half-attempting to get rid of the darn thing. He wasn't sure if he wanted to go all the way there right now, but he did want to thank Cas--not just for the food.

Cas reciprocated the gesture, setting the bag of food on the bedside table and pressing back into Dean. He stripped off his tan overcoat and tossed it to the side. Dean growled in pleasure. He pulled Cas on top of him so he was now straddling the hunter. The angel's hands worked over every park of exposed skin he could reach--which was almost everywhere--while Dean dug his nails into Cas's back.

They pushed and pulled and gripped and clawed. It was as if last night wasn't enough. It was as if nothing was enough. They just wanted more and more of each other. Even Dean being bare-ass naked wasn't good enough for Cas. The angel's hands moved everywhere and nowhere at once. Just as Dean would react to a touch at a certain spot, Cas's hand would already be at another place on his body.

After a good five minutes of making out and almost-having-sex, Cas pulled back. He put a hand on Dean's chest and pushed him back against the headboard. Cas smiled bitterly. He didn't want to stop, but he also wanted to cook Dean breakfast before noon.

Dean looked back at Castiel in confusion and seemed slightly hurt. Cas brushed a hand down the side of the hunter's face, easing his worries. "I want to make you breakfast, Dean. We should get back to this later..."

Dean opened his mouth to protest, but then shut it and bit his lip. He nodded solemnly, not really ready to let go of Cas yet. He just wanted to feel him forever. Cas leaned in to give Dean a quick kiss on the lips before pulling away and walking over to the small kitchenette in the motel room.

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