Time Skip-10 years later
"Sam, are you coming or what?!" Sam's boyfriend Aubruel, or "Aubby" as he preferred Sam call him, called out from the room over with a burst of laughter. Sam groaned and tossed down his phone in disgust.
"I don't think I can, Aubby! My mom has everything already planned out with my brother and is insisting that I be there! I can't just ignore her..." he sighed as Aubby came in and leaned up against the door frame, his chest bare and a caring yet sad smile settled on his full lips. Sam approached him with the same sad smile, his arms open wide wishing for a hug. Aubby chuckled and pulled him close, burying his face into Sam's shoulder.
"Hey, when I get back - I promise." Sam said into Aubby's hair which smelled of the mint shampoo they share sometimes. They parted and Sam leaned down for a sweet kiss with closed eyes, only to find nothing but air in front of him.
"Aubby!!" he whimpered, his cry followed by a wisp of laughter in the other room.
"You son of a bitch!" he called to his boy friend, only to get a "I love you too" from him. Sam laughed and rolled his eyes.
"I know! Hey I gotta leave - mom just texted me." he noted after picking his cell back up and checking it. Aubby suddenly appeared in front of him and snaked his hand around the back of Sam's neck. Sam bent down and they kissed, the passion coursing through them like a never ending brook. Whenever they parted it always felt like the time they'd shared fused together was never long enough, even though air is unfortunately needed for survival.
They kissed once more after Sam had gotten his things together and was about to part ways. He opened the door and looked back at his lover, a haunting thought crossing his mind, but it soon disappeared when he thought of how foolish it was.
"See ya, take care. If you need anything, don't hesitate to call me." Sam smiled at Aubby, throwing a small two fingered wave at him before heading out the door.
"But I need you." Aubby mumbled once the door was firmly shut and his moose's footsteps soon became inaudible.
"Your brother is uncanny when it comes to being late." Mary Winchester grumbled with her arms crossed as she paced back and forth next to the Impala. Dean leaned against the unopened trunk, his arms crossed as well.
"I know, Mom. Its almost as if he doesn't want to be around us - wonder why that is." he answered, sarcasm think on his tongue. She stopped her pacing for a moment and glared at his back, then returned to her pacing.
"I don't need your opinion on the matter, Dean. Sam is a part of the family, therefore he needs to participate in what we do. I understand he needed a break to go to college for a few years, but the days are growing thinner - I feel something bad will happen at any moment." she huffed, her face hardening from deep thought.
"Don't worry so much Mom. Someday it'll kill you and we'll have to write on your gravestone "Died from worrying too much". How embarrassed do you think it'd make us feel to have to do that." he exaggerated, throwing a smirk over his shoulder at her.
She rolled her eyes and stopped pacing, noticing the smooth crunching of gravel far down the road. Dean noticed as well, and they looked at each other with an all knowing glance. Straightening themselves, an old black jeep rolled up the gravel road, and inside it showed Sam, a pair of aviators hiding his eyes and a toothpick sticking out from his thin lips. His hair was longer since the last time they'd seen him, and the chubbiness in his cheeks were gone, replaced by softly defined cheekbones.
What Would Be But Never Was (A Supernatural AU Fanfic)
FanfictionAn au where John dies on the ceiling that night instead of Mary....hope you'll enjoy :)